
What's on your mind? Add your opinion to the mix. Send your email for publication to response@dragracingonline.com. Unsigned letters will not be published.


I have been around since Wild Bill Flynn first got his altered wheelbase car and put down 10 pounds of rosin at Sanford Dragway (Maine) just so he could drag the rear bumper, and I have to agree with you 100%. Unless they make it a lot simpler, the suits will just make it too hard for everyone. Don't get me wrong, SS is my favorite class in drag racing, it's just that they have tried to please everyone and it has hurt the class. (Scraba's) comments on hardware is right on the money. How many people in the stands today even know what a 461 head is? Keep up the good work, as a diehard SSandDI reader this is the only place where a person can get a real perspective on the sport.

Wayne Loomer


It is pretty sad that NHRA will not set-up and make Pro Mod a Pro Class. I think it has to be just as popular if not more than some of the existing Pro Classes. With the assortment of different car models and engine combo's and the all-out balls to the wall racing, how could it not be!

Maybe NHRA is afraid these Pro Mods will take something away from the other four Pro Classes. It's also a shame that so many of these guys jumped in with both feet to support the Class in NHRA. Now all NHRA can say is No Pro Status. Maybe no one should show up at the first exhibition Pro Mod race of the season!

I think they're Real Cool to watch! Just my Two Cents. Thanks for the interview!

John Cotoggio


It looks like all of us are coming around to the conclusion that Wally and Company never had a serious commitment to PM! Frankly, it's not a surprise to me. For any PM team to dream that NHRA had an interest in them had to be a result of too much
tire shake! For PM to be a category, something's gotta go...like PSB? But what are we supposed to think about Nitro Harley? Hell, those folks are living the same faulty thinking that the PM crowd experiences!

Who could disagree that PM is a better spectator draw than PST? Who would disagree that NHarley is a better deal than PSB? Who could not seriously consider that TA/FC is on its last leg? Maybe those of us that have one of those relics will still have a few places to match race. Maybe all of us will just migrate to IHRA where it's a PRO class (that makes sense)? Maybe all the PM's will wake up and go back to IHRA who invented them, and pay them like pro's?

You can't fault Wally for what he's done for the sport...but you sure as hell can fault him for forgetting the grass roots folks that got him there. What's the odds that Pro Jr Dragster is in the wings?

Ron Evans
Lovington, IL


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