Jeff, I just read your rant about ESPN'S coverage and I too agree! The at-home watching drag racing fan/viewer should be getting more of what it is like at a race because that's what draws the person that knows nothing about the sport to go see a race! If someone that does not understand NASCAR and watches it on TV the guys doing the show make you feel that you are almost right there, but if you had the same person watch a drag race on ESPN they would more than likely turn the channel and watch ice skating or something like it.

I feel that if the media and drag racing hardcore fans let the NHRA and the IHRA and anyone else who is doing the coverage know how bored we are with the coverage we might just see as much drag racing on TV as we do NASCAR, maybe even talk shows, news shows, etc. I know in the years I have been involved in our sport of drag racing, filming with the Jackson Bros. and crewing with a few different NT/F'S and a couple Comp cars, it's always the same old story -- "When will they start showing more of the races on tv and less of John Force?" My answer to those people is when you start contacting the NHRA or IHRA and start complaining about it!

That's my 2 cents,

Brian Christiansen

Jeff, I think one of the big problems are that the times they put the races on stinks..... Either late nights or early mornings... As for me I am a diehard drag racing fan and they need to put a Nielsen Box in my house and the numbers would change. On the other hand I think NHRA is just becoming too much like a business and not taking care of the fans and the racers, the tickets, food and sovereigns are just too much. $6.50 for a $.38 cent hamburger. If you bring the fans to the track, they will watch it on TV. That's my thoughts.

Peter Bjordhl

The coverage is okay but way too many commercials and like someone said earlier why isn't the sound of the cars much better. Marty Reid is okay but I probably would use someone with more drag racing knowledge. My experience says use a hardcore drag racing fan/racer.


David Anderson

I completely agreed with (Darr's) article about NHRA/ESPN's TV coverage being horrible. One thing you didn't mention that makes it completely unbearable is how it never airs on time. As I am writing you it's 2:45am pst and the Houston qualifying show just ended 1 hour and 15 minutes ago. Why does ESPN treat the NHRA as a second class citizen and why does NHRA put up with it. I set my TIVO to record the races and 6 out of 10 races I miss the end because the show started late. Also I noticed this year that they have pushed back the qualifying show to a very late time slot. I just read that NHRA renewed the TV contract through 2006. I see this as a huge mistake I think FOX sports could do a much better job at covering the events and would treat the NHRA like a first class citizen not just filler in-between women's college basketball and cheerleading competitions.


Nathan Jones

Since a lot of the country doesn't have cable and even less get ESPN 2 and since rating are so bad maybe its time for a change.

Whatever money their pouring down the ESPN black hole instead of spending all of it trying to get all the races on, why not pool all the money and see how many spots they can buy on FOX? If they could only buy two or three races they would be so much better off than they are now, it would be unreal. Just look at what FOX has done with news, shows and especially with what they have done with NASCAR.

Maybe after a couple of years of being on FOX another network would actually pay to get the remaining races.


Johnny Claridge

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