I am writing to tell you the reason I have become such A big fan of outlaw 10.5 racing. All of the major sanctioning bodies have become so political it's almost painful to watch it on tv. Outlaw is still a grass roots form of racing. These guys are serious racers hitting tracks all over the south racing for 5-20 thousand dollars. It is some of the most action packed racing I have seen. Take a 3000 pound car of your choice ad a combination of your choice, blown alky, n2o, turbo, etc. put on small tires so it becomes a tuning contest, and let the games begin! As for outlaw Pro Mod, only rules, must have doors and no nitro. I know there are people who will never accept these forms of drag racing, but I would like to see a professional production of one of these races. I mean it's all about being entertained, and if millions of people will tune in to watch a few guys curse each other while building a bike, I think it could work. I know it does for me.

Bryan Newton


Everything you say makes sense. The only thing is, in drag racing back in the day most all the manufacturers were involved and putting in their money to promote their product. Why would Ford or GM or Dodge want to promote something that they had nothing to do with and the casual fan cannot go buy off a showroom floor. Which all leads back to the sanctioning bodies and rule makers. Another problem is there are no V8's to speak of anymore from the factory, so are we going to watch 4 cyl. Cavaliers and Neons in Pro Stock or Funny Car?

I agree with you, but what we have is better than the alternative!

Thank you,

John Brady


I just found (Darr Hawthorne's) April 8th article ... about sending your old auto magazines to auto shop classes at the local schools ... I was searching for stories about North Hollywood High School ...

Well, I wish that there had been someone like you when I was a student of Russ Mukai's back in 1981-1984 ... I cannot believe that he is still teaching at NHHS twenty years later ... Nobody ever gave us subscriptions to auto magazines ... We had scored a major coup when General Motors granted us with a car to tear apart & learn on ... I think it came in right before I started at NHHS ...

Due to budget cuts, we only had two field trips for the entire three years that I was in the dept ... majoring in (what they called it back then) "Industrial Education: Automobile Mechanics" ... We went to Norton Air Force Base and Gale Banks Engineering ... I think we might have been offered discount tickets to one of the NHRA races at Pomona ... We were lucky if we had semi up-to-date repair manuals (aka Chilton basic service manuals) ...

You know what would have been really great back then (and now) ?? Parents encouraging their children ... no, their daughters to take auto shop in high school ... Sure, there were some girls who took the beginning class ... But, in the three years that I was there, there was only one OTHER girl in the advanced classes ... and, she was only in it for one year (we were in the same grade level) ... How about auto shop teachers who aren't sexist?? Maybe that way, there'd be more female race car drivers ... Sorry, but some of the more recent ones have been a joke (i.e., Shawna Robinson, Deborah Renshaw) ... I don't follow the NHRA as much as I used to, as I've crossed back over to the evil empire of NASCAR ...

Thanks for sending me down memory lane ... even if some of the memories are all fond ...

Diana Moss

Lynnwood, WA
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