Jeff, What you propose makes more senses than anything that I have heard in the last 5 years. How much more pounding can these blown guys stand. They need to band together and not go racing for a meet or two. I would have told IHRA to shove it a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tex Cooper


I pretty much agree with everyone else so I'll just add my two cents worth. First, I think Mike Dunn is the best. Enough said there. Second, they show the alcohol funny car and dragster runs at least four times for each run. Twice is enough, we're not blind. Last, there lots of S/S cars that will yank the front wheels off the ground 3 or 4 feet. Fans love it. Why not show them in their own segment? Just my thoughts.

Ed Mathot
Truckee, CA


Darr: Great story, you couldn't have hit it any better. The sad part is that you're so right. The guys running the "big" show could read your story and would not even understand what you're talking about. They wouldn't even get it.

I NEVER thought the day would come that I didn't tape EVERY single "NHRA TODAY", or every IHRA race on the tube, I even have a lot friends that run TF, and Pro Mod, and was always a HUGE IHRA supporter. But I haven't seen a single IHRA or NHRA race this year, I haven't seen an IHRA race on the tube in at least three years, my subscriptions to IHRA/NHRA mags have been out for at least five years, and I only go to their websites to check on results.

I have however flown across the country (from Ky.) to the last 4 years worth of March Meets, CHRR, and even the last two weekends in Bakersfield and Vegas, and of course I make the GoodGuy's Indy and the NHRR at Bowling Green, the NMRA race at Bowling Green, the muscel car races, etc, etc...

Thanks for the article!

Ron McGavic
Louisville, KY


Chris Martin - I just know you are going to get hate mail for your latest column so I thought I'd balance it with a 'right on!' Yes, it's a direct link between ARMY/Schumacher and kids enlisting, many of them to ruin their lives in Iraq. A direct link. The ARMY TF car is a recruitment tool in a desperate war. Shameful. Even worse, few in the drag racing world give a f**k -- if anything they're glad to see the ARMY onboard. Which makes your words all the more courageous.

Hope your mouth is doing better.

David Hapgood


I love your columns but how can you not be behind the US ARMY?

Perhaps you accept the freedoms and right that our soldiers protect every single day you take a free breath without realizing who is providing them for you.

I am not justifying the actions of this, or any recent administration, who believes the US ARMY should be the world's police force, however, the brave soldiers that fight these political wars are not to blame for bad judgments of politicians. The US ARMY always deserves all the support the citizens of this great nation can give them. It is not their fault or desire to follow misguided leaders into convoluted wars, but they always go and fight and die for you, me and their oaths to the service.

Knock the leaders of both political parties for the messes of the last 40 years, but never knock the fighting soldiers who are at the pointy end of the spear; it just isn't right!

Jet Townsend


Chris--I have enjoyed your writing for a lot of years but your comments about the U.S. Army were out of place. Perhaps a car sponsored by the Republican Guard would be more to your liking. You might keep in mind the very people you are bad mouthing are the only reason you are have the freedom to write DUMB things.

Frank Oglesby

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