I agree with (Ian Tocher) 100%. However we know that profiteering has become a way of life.

I was reading about the Street Car Shootout at Gateway. It makes me cringe every time I see "Street Car" connected with racing. Our family owns a '69 Camaro and '88 Corvette. There has to be a better title than Street Car Racing. Even cars that never see the street are called Street racers. This causes more problems with the public than anything I can think of.

I read the entire web site regularly.

Thank you.

Bill Sterling


Dude, that is what I've been saying. Not to diminish the efforts of those folks, but it isn't as big as the marketing gurus and sponsors would like for us to believe. I see it as entry level hot rodding, not a new or evolved version. How many that are into the sport compact stuff, and are serious about hot rodding, end up graduating to bigger motors with more cylinders?

If the sport compact deal can lead them to the track, that is great. Once you get them their, open their eyes to other types of cars. How many would like to get into a super gas type car?

As far as the high dollar/high tech cars running in the "pro" categories, I've been saying all along that they should get a place in Comp. Can ya see Nelson Hoyos up against Dean Carter? Now that would be cool.

Did ya read the cover article in last month's Hot Rod? Some interesting stats on the sport compact market.

Dale Smith


G'day, my name is Geoff Crisp and I am the publisher of Dragster Australia, a fortnightly colour drag racing mag from Australia. I am impressed with (Darr Hawthorne's) comments about the US Sports Compact deal and how it's not living up to its promises. We are having the same deal here in Australia and I would like to reprint your comments in my magazine as it shows exactly what's happening here but some of the people have blinkers on and cannot see the forest for the trees. We keep saying "Sports Compact is not the next big thing".

Kind Regards,

Geoff Crisp
Publisher Dragster Australia


I read your recent column on sport compact racing, as compared to the 50's and 60's hot rodders (and even the NHRA Big Show). While many of your points were on target, you should look beyond the NHRA Sport Compact Summit to get a fair idea of where sport compact racing stands.

While the NDRA (NOPI Drag Racing Assoc.) DOES have all of the "lifestyle" elements as part of its show (bikini contests, sound competitions, etc.), it also sees a lot more professional drivers and attendance numbers at many of its events. Do attendance numbers always match those of the NHRA Big Show? Of course not. But how long has the Big Show been around and how long has sport compact racing been around?

The numbers really do speak for themselves... more sponsors (both automotive and "mainstream") are hopping on board with the NDRA each year, more drivers are joining the NDRA each year and attendance numbers continue to grow at each NDRA event. The truth is, the sport, and the series, are growing.

Jim Sias
Alan Taylor Communications
New York, NY
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