

I believe safety is important, but I also believe that you don't need to have knee jerk reactions. NHRA should have allowed input for years from teams and chassis builders to help alleviate this issues which maybe they have. But there is something everyone must remember, these drivers are test pilots. Gary Scezli said it best, "there isn't one of us out here that thinks that when we make a run it might be our last". People die in slip, trip and fall accidents all the time yet we continue to live and perform these same tasks.

NHRA will mandate these changes like they did in the early 90's when they first hit 300mph, then the brilliant minds and techs of the teams found ways to go 320. Now we are back again where we were then.

Since the teams are such innovators I can't believe that they shunned safety for speed. All I know is that it was an unfortunate incident that claimed a loved and devoted mans life, yet he died doing what he loved.

I believe that if we knew the exact cause of the crash it makes a fix that much easier which I believe was from debris and shielding is the answer along with tire issues, but we need not reinvent the entire car if we correct the condition.

As with any form of racing there is risk, and this is the adrenaline that drives the fan, sport and drivers.

Oh well just my thoughts, to the family of Darrell, my sincere condolences. He will be missed. God Bless.

James Drew


I like Tim Gilbreth's suggestion (slowing down the dragsters) for a mono strut, but have not read much from other individuals about the possibility of this occurring. I thought Garlits' mono strut car was very cool, especially with the enclosed canopy and all. Guess it
is time for drag racing to recall 'Big' for another design innovation for the dragsters. But, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know if Tim's suggestion has any merit to it. Ok engineers, what do you think? I know I don't need my t/f car to go 4.4s to get amped; I remember when Ivo and Prudhomme jumped into the 7s and I thought that was outrageous. I wish I could say that t/f racing is as exciting as it used to be, but it just isn't. Qualifying is a joke and the multi-car teams dominate the landscape. I find alcohol dragster much more exciting, especially in Division 7 where I live. The alcohol guys are really cool and will spend a lot of their time chit-chatting with you. Shoot, Randy Johnson talked to me for a long time and i learned a ton about his car and what it takes to drive one. Well, that's a Lakewood (CA) boy for you!!!

Thanks for a great mag to read (online) when work is not getting it. Hope somebody can come-up with some good ideas for saving t/f racing. I think streamliners and aerodynamic cars would be very cool even if not as fast.

Steve Justice
Pinole, CA

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