E-mail Us and Maybe
Well Print It. No Libel or Slander or Anonymous
Letters. If You Dont Have Enough Guts to Sign Your
Name, You Have No Right to Mention Anyone Elses
Hello, I hope you can help me, I am looking for some information
on drag schools and/or camps. I thought at one point in time
I had seen an advertisement for a school or camp that was
set up like slot cars, i.e., the cars were locked into the
track and more or less forced down the track in a straight
line. I hope I am not crazy and dreaming all this up. Any
leads or information you can give me would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
J.R. White
Think about this. . .I live in the heart of NASCAR country.
Ever notice how their drivers are associated as much, if not
more, with their number than they are with their sponsor?
If I see one more #24 or #8 decal, sticker, hat or shirt I
might have to poke my eyes out! You have to hand it to the
promotion department. This is great for advertising, revenue
and brand recognition. Why does IHRA or NHRA not try the same
thing? Does any fan really care if Greg Anderson has the #1
on his car? Would it be more marketable and recognizable to
have a number associated with the driver? Would drag racing
be accepted more by the mainstream fans? I do not know, but
it certainly makes you think.
Tom Drake
I have been bracket racing since 1979 at the local level and
won my share of events. I qualified for the NHRA Division
One Bracket finals the 3 years I joined points at Capitol
Bracket racing always has been a participant event, no matter
what the venue, day of the week or prize money is. At the
end of the night, there is just a handful of spectators left,
and most of them are waiting for someone else.
But that's fine. Because on Monday morning, when your foreman
is yelling at you to get moving or some middle management
schmuck is standing at your 6x6 cubicle prison asking for
the TPS reports (thank you "Office Space") you can
say "P--- off! I won my class at the dragstrip Saturday
night!" (on the inside)and the day seems much better,
the job less boring and mundane.
That's what being a bracket racer is.
Bill Schmidt
Olney, MD
Just had to say that just because you didn't receive any
emails about your Million coverage, that doesn't mean the
racers weren't interested. Checking for results and reading
whatever I could find about the Million was the first thing
I did when I fired up the computer on Monday! Believe me,
we bracket racers that weren't able to attend ourselves were
waiting with baited breath to hear what was happening.
Thanks for making the effort... too bad the other "drag
racing" media types don't! Glad to see you have a new
perspective on bracket racing too! Hopefully I'll be a participant
next year. Look me up if you're there too.
Your still deranged reader and bracket fanatic,
Greg Stanley
Brentwood, CA |