It might be interesting to check and see what kind of effort was put behind local advertising. I live here in the Memphis area and had no idea it was going on.

B.D. Bittner


I made my first visit to Route 66 for Saturday qualifying. I can not understand why NHRA moved this race date. The action was the best that I have seen in years. If attendance was the issue then the people of Chicago do not know what they are missing. I drove 5 hours and I will tell you I will make this track a regular stop. I hope that the NHRA will move this race back to the October slot. Performance does sell tickets and making the only stop in the summer is wrong. Again, to the people of the Chicagoland area, you don't know what you are missing!

Bob Baldwin
Des Moines, IA


Seems like Chicago had a "few" empty seats in the grandstands. Or was it the angle of the camera?

Steve Metzger
Albuquerque, NM


Jok, there is one part you have missed in the definitions sec 390.5. Commercial vehicle means any self-propelled or towed motor vehicles used on a highway. Part 1 has gross vehicle weight, or combo weight of 10,001 or more! Check this out.

Arlen F. Fadely


Great article about the Plex. Hard to believe it was 20 years ago. Seems like yesterday. Thanks for the memories.

Bubba Corzine


NHRA, you are a piece of work. Nothing ever changes...including the weekly fat paychecks to the mindless drones who run the outfit. Sure, insult your biggest sponsor(s), lie about safety, institute toothless "slow-down" fuel rules, then pump the hope that world records will be set at every race. Abuse your sportsman racers, increase ticket prices, let "retiring" drivers come back after they make a ton of money hawking "my last season" junk to the trusting who actually fork over hard earned money for what becomes a joke a year or so later.

I am not so deluded that I think a large corporation such as NHRA can be run by 1960's retreads who smell of nitro, however, a corporation must be run within certain parameters, which include honesty, integrity, fan consideration and supplier support whilst focusing on maximizing profitability. Sadly, it appears these key ingredients for corporate success are missing except for the profit motive.

The really sad thing is that nobody appears to be able to do anything about it. I am a 40-year drag racer, and to be honest I wouldn't spend 15 cents to go to an NHRA event.

Phil Nedham


You hit the nail on the head regarding Stange's experience. I never got beyond divisional status with my company NHRA efforts, but the attitude of most of the DDs I came in contact with convinced me to go IHRA years ago. I don't attend drag races any more save the local events at Broadway Bob's place a couple of times a year.

Bottom line is, these management types are laughing at the participants and they have been for years. They don't know where their bread is buttered and that isn't good for the long-term survival of the sport. However, racers aren't always the most enlightened people on the planet and these "suits" know this, and obviously don't know where to draw the line in their disrespect of the customer base.

Michael Hohnstein
President ATD Inc.
Makers of Hipsters Brake

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