As a fan of Whit Bazemore's old "tell it like it is" style, I have a question for NHRA. Why is it that Whit Bazemore got fined and put on two years probation for chewing out Rick Stewart at the Finals last year at Pomona, yet Force got away with berating Graham Light and going after an ESPN camera operator at Vegas a couple of years ago? Does NHRA consider Force their golden goose and are afraid of making him mad? There is an obvious double standard at work here.

Bazemore was understandably upset with NHRA for having a horrible racing surface at the last race of the year. Stewart is the head man on the race track. To what other person should Bazemore have complained? There was no excuse for the track being in that condition. It was unsafe and too much of a disadvantage to the racers being forced into that lane. Whatever Bazemore said was away from TV microphones, although ESPN did catch some of the confrontation on video. Bazemore did not get physical with Stewart. He might have used a few choice words but, again, it was not caught on audio.

Force was disqualified in his race against Bob Bode for leaving before the Christmas tree was activated. Instead of blaming himself, he goes into the control tower and was caught on video and audio shaking his finger in Light's face and using language for which NASCAR drivers get fined. But, Force can say whatever he wants and nobody does anything about it.

The Force situation got worse when he saw the ESPN camera capturing his tirade. He then went after the camera operator and knocked it sideways. Still, nothing happened to him. Force is still out of control when a microphone gets stuck in his face. I don't consider it part of ESPN's job to edit his language. They shouldn't have to. It has gotten so bad that I usually hit the mute button whenever Force is speaking. I don't want to listen to his language and I don't want my kids to hear it.

Bazemore is a completely different driver today from what he was last year. It appears NHRA was successful in putting out the fire that made Bazemore such an intense competitor. With the exception of Force, we now have a group of clones who dutifully mention their sponsors, POWERade, NHRA, and nothing else. I want the old Bazemore back. I want Al Hofmann back. We need the offbeat goofiness of Dean Skuza out there.
NHRA was doing OK before Force came along with his multi-car team. And, they will survive when he finally retires. When that day comes, I'd like to see a 16-car field full of single car teams with drivers who don't smile when they lose.

Ted Kuburich
Springdale, Arkansas


The (Nov. 2) cover photo is one of the BEST I have seen in years. Keep up the good work. DRO is the best rag on the Internet.

John Partridge


Here's a thought from across the pond from a nitro-starved fan! After having just read your latest blast I couldn't have put my own and my friends thoughts any better. Living in the UK I always look forward to coming to the US once a year to attend an NHRA event (funds permitting!), for the last 5 years at Vegas. After this year's April race I was left thinking this is boring, oh my God boring. How can the sport I've followed so closely and passionately for the last 36 years be boring! But for me it's become a sad fact that the nitro classes are so predictable and the likelihood of me seeing anything mildly wild, in ET's, speeds or anything else is pretty remote.

What attracted me to drag racing in the first place was that there was always someone pushing the performance envelope, coming up with wild and radical ideas. Yes, by all means let's make drag racing safer but let's also not lose what this sport has always been about. . .the outright noise, color, speed and pure spectacle!

I never thought I'd say this, but I for one will not be attending an NHRA national event in 2006. I think a look at one of the reunions may be a better bet?

Tony West


Electronics in ALL forms should be banned from ALL classes of drag racing. All it means is these guys can't race their cars without the help of some gadget. They want someone to invent an electronic device to guide their car down the track and they can stand back and watch. What BULL. Take their electronics away and see how good they run.

Bill Sterling


Why has NHRA chosen to allow fuel injection on Pro Stock Bike, but refuses to consider it for Pro Stock car? Wouldn't fans love to see a 500-inch Pro Stocker run 6.50's?

Dave Bloxom

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