I agree with your comments regarding the inclusion of Pro Mods into the NHRA.

I think that they were doomed from the beginning, due to the very nature of the Pro Mod class. It seems to me that the NHRA has 3 categories that are the big money makers. Two of them, Top Fuel and Fuel Funny car, are the premier no-holds-barred, slip and slide, big noise, big hp, pedal-fest classes that keep the fans on their feet due to the very nature of the runs. The other one, Pro Stock, combines automotive manufacturer brand name competition, high technology, burndowns, thousandth of a second side-by-side finishes, as well as body style recognition that appeals to fans and sponsors alike.

Pro Mod threatens the first two classes on several levels so the participants in those classes naturally would object to the potential loss of their piece of the pie. Pro Mod on the other hand will never be able to compete with Pro Stock in terms of body style recognition unless current rules were changed to force the adoption to the more aerodynamic late model body styles and limit the protrusion of engine and components in the blower cars, and that has always been one of the key parts of the Pro Mod body game (new versus old), blower versus nitrous.

I am sure that Pro Mods could be detuned to the point where the thousandth-of-a-second side-by-side runs could be achieved. Could Pro Mod be neutered to the point that it would be a welcomed addition to the NHRA? God I hope not!

Richard Gavle
Bethesda, MD


Jeff, you continue to offer reasoned commentary on non-NHRA major subjects. I appreciate your overt support for those of us who cannot relate or involve themselves with Glendora's marketing plans.

Philip Bradford
Tacoma, WA


Burk, you HELPED kill a good thing when you backed Kenny's rule change. Then when you figured out it was only popular with a handful of racers and chased off some of the best teams you jumped ship. You still had your nose up Kenny's butt till the money left. Now you've jumped ship again. Your showing you have as much credibility as it did this past year.

Dennis Radford
Getting The Last Laugh


Well written & summed up. Just a little add-on with last sentence. NHRA has yet again showed its lack of Sision & that everything they do is based on monetary train of thought & the vision of future for drag racing with these people at the helm is not looking all that rosy.

John Geltink
Arnhem the Netherlands


No room for Pro Mod? Hmmm, let's see...we can do without Super Gas, Super Comp and Super Street. We can easily do without Pro Stock Bike. NOW we have room. Those ".90" classes must be way more fun to do than to watch.

Greg Rourke
Batavia, IL

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