You don't know me, but after reading your latest editorial
on safety, I decided to share an idea with you that I have
had for a while. I am not an electronics designer or anything,
but I have enough knowledge to be dangerous. :-) Here is
the idea: design and install on race cars an electronic
switch that is tip/angle sensitive. The switch could be
set up for example if the front wheels go higher than 45
degrees the switch would shut off ignition and fuel or let's
say the car gets on its side, here again maybe after 45
degrees, the switch kills fuel and ignition.
So good idea or bad? Thanks for taking the time to read
my email, and keep up the good work, I love DRO!!!!!
Tom Easterday
Brea, CA
Your column dated 4/13/05 pulls no punches. Thanks for saying
what needed to be said. I guess I've never paid attention
to the fact Force and a few others don't wear a HANS-style
device. Force needs to realize that, good, bad, or indifferent,
what he does and how he acts influences all of drag racing.
The effectiveness of HANS devices is beyond question. So,
does Force think he is immortal? Besides, the only way to
be too safe is to not race at all.
being said, I have to believe if wheelie bars were required,
Shelly Howard's wreck would not have occurred. Can you imagine
what the carnage would have been like at a track like Ennis,
where the staging lanes are two rows, 10 deep, with cars
and their crews during eliminations?
Do you remember Garlits' blowover in the late '80s? Fortunately,
he was able to stop the car after it came down on all four
tires. But, not before he sat there a few seconds and started
boiling the tires. His wreck is how I picture Howard's wreck
unfolded. It is said all things happen for a reason. Maybe
Mrs. Howard's wreck will serve as a wake-up call for the
sanctioning bodies to take steps to help prevent blowovers
from occurring.
Ted Kuburich
Springdale, Arkansas
Great article, Jeff, I hope they all listen to you. We do
not need any more deaths because of this.
A concerned fan,
Joe Bernardo
Jeff, I agree with you 100% on the head restraints. This
is the Email that I sent to John Miller (at NHRA). Thanks
for your time and your DRO.
John Miller: Only a suggestion, sir, and possible future
safety. What rolls through my mind is a remote controlled
fuel shut-off. Say, a top fueler has an already installed
electronically or pressure shut off, just prior to fire
up, a unit is mounted and connected to this unit by on official.
Possibly each crew chief is handed a remote (different freqs),
and maybe a qualified official or two is @ finish line with
a remote for each car. As only 2 cars are running at a time,
2 freqs is all that is needed. Say, always one for right
lane, and other one for left. The logistics are left for
more qualified than I, but my mind sees this as a possibility.
Thank you for your time.
Dan Griffin
Hanover, IL
TAFC 352