Hi Jeff. In regards to your article, and the "just wondering section:
--In some circles, the Alcohol cars have been referred to as "Pro Sportsman", so that may have had something to do with it.

--As far as why some Sportsmen racers dislike Alcohol cars, I can't speak for other Divisions, but here in Division 1, they are at times a nuisance. At one race I competed at, it seemed every other pair of Alky cars either knocked over the foam blocks, oiled the track down, or both. Plus a crash or two. That is most likely the source of Sportsmen racers dislikes. It does seem at times the National Opens run more smoothly and quicker without the Alky cars.

Personally, I'd like to see them included. It was back in the old SPORTSnationals, with Pro Comp, so why not now.

Mike Carr
Buff Daddy Motorsports
Enon Valley, PA
IHRA Stock 18 HF/SA
IHRA 1/8 and 1/4 mile National Record Holder
NHRA Stock 1302 EF/S


Greetings, guys, from way down in the South Pacific.

After many years of watching NHRA via ESPN2, it was great to get some live Nitro fumes and race action at the recent Nationals in Las Vegas - TV will never replicate the Fuel cars until "smell-o-vision" and 4D makes it across the TV screen. Pro Mod was great and the nitro Harleys were spectacular to watch.

But what's happening in the Sportsman ranks? The full bodied cars are over represented by cars built in the '60s, '70s and '80s with most sporting carbs on their race engines, even the dragsters! Man, this is old tech - isn't it time to get with the program?

Dan Fletcher told me his Camaro has a sentimental link to his racing, which is fine but, man, it's still 35 years old! I also heard rumors that Barry Grant has an agreement with NHRA which may also be an issue but carbs are old style racing, not that NASCAR will agree!

Consider the contrast these old Camaros, Chevy II's and Mustangs with the RWD Sport Compacts and the gaps in attitude, presentation and performance are huge. The money may be an issue hey, it's not like USA is short of cheap late model cars (at least by NZ standards)!

These sportsman race cars may be classics but in my view, they have had their day and serve only to date the drag race fraternity in the public/corporate as stuck firmly in the past. Maybe it's time for the sanctioning bodies to handicap pre-1990's vehicles, as they did in Pro Mod, or maybe just instigate Nostalgia Stock and Nostalgia Super Stock and correctly classify these old classics.

Anyway, all the best guys. I loved my time in the US of A.

Tony Wilson
New Zealand

DON'T SAY. . .

Clean that (Martin Chronicles) column up, Jeff, it is out of sync with your class and character. It is that kind of written trash that detracts from drag racing.


Dr. Larry Rose


Burk, you are definitely a shit disturber! I like that!

Don Seamans

We've Got Mail! [5/4/05]
Your letters to DRO


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