I think you are being a little unfair to the manufacturers. Maybe instead of using a forum like this widely read e-zine to beat the reps over the head you should perhaps relay to the readers that this happened and how it happened and write about how important it is to get all the decals on their cars and keep all the supporting paperwork so problems like this don't occur (or at least they are minimized). Tell them not to wait until they make it to a final round and get the decals on. I think if a manufacturer is good enough to put up some money to the winners or runners up, then the racers should support them by not only buying the product but doing a little advertising for them.

I know it's not a perfect world, but we racers need to be responsible too. In this article, you have angered IHRA and probably some manufacturers. Maybe next time you can turn it from a negative to a positive. Remember, this is a widely read and influential forum.

Tony Neu


Jok, I've forwarded a copy of your contingency article to our sponsors, I thought they might like to know what you think of our program. Thanks for your support.

Timothy Irwin
Director of Contingency/ Inside Sales


Tim, I think you know what I think about a certain part of the program. We have heard from a lot of people and sponsors as well. There is a wide variety of opinions but I haven't heard anyone tell me it was OK to cancel all the payments on contingency he properly earned.

Think about it. If you were to manufacture axles and rear-ends. This racer purchases a couple thousand dollars worth of product, pays an entry fee of about $200 and has the decals in place. The manufacturer is happy, they sold product. The racer is content that if he wins, his purchase will reward him. A win is only "worth it money-wise" if he gets to collect the contingency because the entry fee is about triple what it should be for $1200 or so to win. Then a manufacturer rep (or even if it wasn't a rep) points out that the car is running a product that could earn him a few hundred more dollars if had the decal on the car. Maybe the racer didn't have a decal and the tech trailer didn't have it either so he put it on before the final. WHO IN THE WORLD even noticed if it was on before then? The manufacturers pay winner and runner-up; they want the decal in the winner's pictures. Of course they want them on all the time but in reality it pays to have them on for the final or in IHRA's case some qualifying sessions.

That racer bought the product, supported the manufacturer, displayed 99% of the decals correctly and for adding one stupid decal he loses all the other winnings. It is simply the WRONG THING TO DO and I don't care what the rules are. If you need rules like this to make sure manufacturers don't pay undeserving racers, then have the racers register with the manufscturers before and during the season, that way all the B.S. is out the way and the racer is already on the "Qualified Registry" with the manufacturers he wants to make a claim with.

I love the contingency program in theory, but it has just become a micro-managed thing that appears to me to be WAY TOO MUCH WORK.

Thanks for reading the DRO columns and I appreciate your opinion and input. -- Jok


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