Looking back, when I won the Summernationals in 1991 at Englishtown I spent at least 45 minutes on the return road with the NHRA verifying every part that I was claiming for contingency money.

The parts that they couldn't really verify (internal engine parts mostly), had to be verified with a dated receipt of purchase, when requested by the manufacturer. (Not hard to get if
you are even a LITTLE bit creative). Worked for me, and worked for them.

Maybe things have changed, that I am not aware of, but except for a few manufacturers stiffing me, I received a whole bunch of money over the next six weeks, and it was a pleasure going to the mail box every day. I don't participate or support NHRA in any manner shape or form, because I don't like the way they run their dog and pony show.

The Sportsman racer has ALWAYS been the "red headed stepchild" at NHRA, and I have raced with them for over forty years before the light came on in my old head. When you are young and naive, any kind of recognition is ego boosting, until you sit down and count the beans. NHRA has their own special way of dealing with people who voice their opinion (ask Whit or Connie).

It seems no matter what, the Sportsman racer is bound to lose, and that's a crying shame, in my opinion. (They run their little kingdom, like a dictatorship, and they do it VERY well.)

I also noticed that more and more teams and tracks are HONORING our servicemen, and I credit you with that.

In their behalf, I want to just say thanks, to you and the nameless ones, that go unheralded (but dedicated, nonetheless), to get these kids into the races.

And thanks for giving the unwashed masses a venue to vent their frustrations.

Gene Wagner
Boca Raton, FL


Howdy Burk, I love your column.

I have been closely associated with the Dream Weaver Top Alcohol Funny Car (Hanford, CA) operation for many years. This is a strictly family operation. Almost every nickel and dime that comes in goes into the Funny Car. When we get into the (money) rounds and contingency comes into play, you can bet Mardell is jumping through whatever hoops there are to get paid. And that money goes right back into the car. And did I mention, the Weaver family wouldn't dream of cheating, it's something they just don't do. Anyhow, without this money, I don't think we could continue to run this car.

Now from a business standpoint I can understand why manufacturers have a problem with putting out more that they are getting back and I support them 100%. After all, we all would be going a whole lot slower if it wasn't for them.

I don't think that NHRA should get a fee for manufacturers to participate, in fact, I think they should put up 25% more than what the manufacturer offers to boost the funds for the racers, which will promote drag racing in general, which will make more money for the NHRA, sponsors, and race parts manufacturers. 

That should make everyone happy..

Now me. . .I am happy cause I am going to Famosa (Bakersfield, CA) for the next three days for an NHRA Division 7 race...

And God, I love the smell of NITRO...

Happy Racing,

Bry Schmidt
Fresno, CA


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