I can't take it any more! Erica Enders crying like the little girl that she is after losing her first round match at Sonoma. Now it seems little Hillary Will is going to get to pilot the 4th Kallita T/F dragster next year. Great...I've spent 30 years trying to sell the NHRA to all my pals as the most exciting and dangerous of all motorsports. Now it seems the NHRA is hell-bent on promoting the fact that they have young girls with little seat time driving for top teams and sponsors. Is this some politically correct plot to attract new fans? I know that females are very capable of driving race cars. Shirley Muldowney is one of my heroes. She earned it!

What's next, NHRA? How about the first totally blind nitro driver! If I see one more "cute" little child crying at the finish line I'm gonna puke!

Mike Bowers
Ft. Wayne, IN


I believe Shawna Robinson was on the pole for the 1994 Busch series race in Atlanta.

Keith Bartels   
Stockbridge, GA


I just read the Agent's take on the Danica Patrick story. And while I agree it's a slight against drag racing, the report is actually accurate because there are no poles in drag racing. Check the NHRA media guide. Shirley Muldowney didn't qualify on the pole; she qualified No. 1. She is one of six women to qualify No. 1, but neither of them qualified on the pole. And don't blame Mr. Scott for this. He was just reading a report that was sent out on the Associated Press wire. His report is word-for-word what was written in the AP story covering the race where Danica qualified on the pole.

Steve Ramirez
Covina, CA


I have never written to DRO, but I read your site almost daily, and use it to keep up with my drag racing news, since you will never get any real new from NHRA or IHRA. Thanks for
your work. I cannot thank you enough for keeping the drag racing world informed about the Russell lawsuit. People need to know about that. 

I got a good laugh out of your headline for Agent 1320, but there is one thing I don't understand. A LOT of the drag racing community has been whining and complaining about Danica Mania. It's annoying, but it's pretty much over anyway.

You guys wrote a nice little piece about Erica when she got her job, just like CompPlus just put out the Hillary Will junk. Not that these ladies are bad drivers, but they definitely wouldn't have been given their jobs if they weren't female. There are many, many more qualified people for both of their seats who want it just as bad.

But you haven't complained about how Erica has done I noticed. I can't knock Hillary's performance, as she's done a damn good job in her Alky car. After reading what Bucky Austin said, there isn't any room for argument, is there? But at the same, still not very experienced, and not the most qualified. Erica won a national event, and I think maybe a divisional or two. But she had two top dollar cars to race, and lots of seat time in them.

All I am saying is it doesn't seem totally equal or fair. If I'm wrong, let me know!

Sean Kennedy


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