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There is no denying that sportsman car counts are down at national events. But I can't agree with your assertion that the decreased counts can be attributed to the price of gas, entry fees, and weather. And before you roll your eyes, I'm not jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon here.

I believe if you take a closer look, the car counts have been decreasing for over a year. From what I've seen and heard it is just a matter of a fairly large scale lack of interest in running national events and putting up with everything that goes with it by the sportsman racers... myself included. When you consider that most national events require you to have your rig in the pits on Wednesday or Thursday morning at the latest, you are looking at taking two or three days of vacation at minimum for one race. And that's not even considering that most racers have almost a full days travel to get to and from the event.

Add to the time the $250 dollar entry fee, the lack of actual racing, and generally poor treatment afforded the sportsman racer and you can begin to see why the car counts are on the decline. Local association and big bucks bracket events start to look pretty attractive when you consider the increased amount of racing, increases in available purse vs. entry fees, and little or no time off from work that these events afford the sportsman racer.

I personally think it is a good thing. Getting the NHRA stranglehold off sportsman racing can only make local programs stronger as more racers realize they have more options.

As always,

Your deranged sportsman racing supporter...
Greg Stanley
Brentwood, CA


NHRA has long forgotten how they got to where they are now and are on a down hill slide. They need an attitude adjustment.

Wally Clark
Niagara Falls


Well, Jeff, you're right about the dwindling sportsman car counts and you were quite eloquent in the way you said it. I'm a little more "blunt," if you will. NHRA has put it to the sportsman for years and it's starting to show. Yes, gas is ridiculous, sure it costs more to travel, but add that entry fees have gone through the roof, payouts are equal to the '80s, grade points means you have to travel wherever they decide the divisionals are, you're treated like a piece of crap and parked in the mud of the Back 40.

Have you been to an IHRA race lately? That's the place you as a racer (customer?) are welcomed and treated properly. No, payouts still aren't what's required, but the atmosphere makes up for a lot of it. I think this is the part where "you reap what you sow" comes to mind, or perhaps "NHRA made their bed of anti-Sportsman antics, and now they are sleeping in it uncomfortably."

Regardless, suits will look at it like they do in any other business: profit down in one sector, watch and see if it's a trend; if it is we should do something about it in a couple years, like cut out that sector.

Haven't gone to a National NHRA event in some years, and have no interest in doing so anymore. Not when there is an alternative that is FUN to go to. They don't understand that NOT ALL PEOPLE LIKE COOKIE CUTTER FUEL CARS!

Stock and Super Stock Forever!

Jim Miller

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