Mr. Burk, I do not know what good it will do to lob an M-80 into the current list of Hall Of Fame inductees that now reside in Florida. Whether you agree or disagree with who is there, they are there, for whatever reason the committee that nominates deem they be there. I see nothing but bad feelings ahead as you proceed. I urge you and your colleagues to please leave this one alone.

Yours truly,

Don Roberts
Boston, MA


The one race driver that should be in the Hall of Fame is Gary Dyer. In the late '60s and early '70s, he was "The Man." He always found the time to talk to everyone. When he went to Lions Dragway for the "Match of the Century" all the West Coast driver said if Dyer was going to run they better bring the "Midwest clock." After Gary blew the runs, beat everybody by a half-second. So started the "Match Race of the Century." The best racing ever!

Dennis Hirschboeck
Justice, IL


I just finished reading Scott Kalitta's interview from Australia. I found it to be very informative and intriguing. I liked his honesty of why he is racing in Funny Car this year. I agree four Top Fuelers is an Overkill in the class.

What intrigues me is the comment he made about comparing the fans. He said he wishes that the fans in the USA were as friendly as the fans in Australia. I have been attending NHRA and IHRA drag races all over the USA since 1972. Drag racing is by far the most fan friendly sport out there. My comment for Scott and the rest of the Kalittas is: Maybe if the Kalitta teams (Doug, Scott & David) were a little more personable to the fans, we would be a little more friendly. I think we, the fans, are friendly for the most part. I realize that the Kalitta teams are to a point racing out of Connie's wallet, but that doesn't mean they can't be as friendly as, say, the rest of the Professional drivers. I don't how many times I have been sitting in the stands and I hear fans saying how cold and unfriendly the Kalitta teams are towards the fans.

I totally disagree with Scott Kalitta about the fans in Australia being more friendly. All one has to do is look at the winners circle at the end of an NHRA national event and see how many fans are trying to get as close as they can to the winners. I think the Kalitta teams are a major asset to drag racing and I am glad that they are out there racing, but spend some more time with the fans and SMILE!!!

Kevin A. Bennett

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