BRUTE FORCE: The Formative Years
(Main Event Video)
We all know what John Force is like: His mouth runs as fast as his
racecar, he's never at a loss for words, and he's always in motion.
Right. Not exactly the philosophical type. Wrong. After Force won
his first championship back in 1990, ace drag racing video director
Dean Papadeas found him in a contemplative mood and got a heck of
an interview. It has just been released as a video.
The interview was taped inside Force's trailer. Knowing his hectic
schedule, there probably wasn't a lot of pre-production time, but
how much trouble would it have been to move a distracting briefcase
out of the camera shot or set up the static camera to not cut off
the top of Force's head? Force is sitting in front of a mirror in
which we can partially see Papadeas conducting the interview. Why
not change the camera angle, at least occasionally, so that the viewer
could see both men's faces since Force is obviously talking to someone?
These quibbles aside, what comes out of Force's mouth is worth listening
to. He talks about the mental preparation necessary; psyching himself
up for (or out of) the race. Once you mentally put Shirley Temple
in the other car, he says, you're on the road to victory.
He talks about motivating himself and his whole team. Getting to
the top is just part of the battle; keeping motivated is just as hard.
He makes the viewer realize that putting together a winning season
is more than the tune-up of the car. He talks about motivating and
coaching a team; how you have to want to do your best every single
He talks about his family and crew chief Austin Coil but reveals
that the bottom line is that "Your racecar is your real best friend
and that's a fact." This guy is a racer.
Intercut into the interview are clips from races from 1986, 1988,
and 1989. Unfortunately, the race footage has no relationship to the
interview other than to show the time frame. The races are not in
chronological order nor do they illustrate any point made by Force;
they just seem to be whatever footage of Force races happened to be
lying around. It's not bad footage - after all, what's a drag racing
video without some drag racing action - but it does not enhance the
video and makes it seem even more dated with over a decade, different
cars, and several pounds having been added since it was taped. (That
super-slow motion shot of Force doing a burnout is still killer, though.)
Force makes mention of the crash and fire at Memphis, yet we never
see any footage or even a still photo of the event. It would have
been helpful to see what he was talking about.
When it was made, the interview came at a critical juncture for Force.
After years of hard work, hustling, and travel, Force had just become
successful. The hard fight was still fresh. He made some predictions
about what the future would be. It would be interesting to see what
he has to say about the challenge of maintaining the highest level
of competition for the last 10 years. It might be time for Deano to
update the interview with something more current.
Force says that before the race he tells his crew that, "We're going
to make magic this day." This time, Force and Papadeas did. Get the
video for the historical footage if you wish, but the real worth is
Force's insight on what it takes to be a successful, professional
drag racer. It's the content that counts.
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