Tom Anderson (5.79 - 1982)
Kenny Bernstein (260.11 - 1984)
Jack Chrisman (7.60 - 1967)
Emery Cook (200.44 - 1966 St, Petersburg, Fla.)
Gary Dyer (8.63 - 1965)
Gary Dyer (6.70 in Mr. Norm car was low e.t. of
the meet - 1971 Bristol, Tenn.)
Jim Epler (300.40 - 1993)
John Force (301.30 - 1996 - Bandimere)
John Force (323.89 - 1998)
Ed McCulloch (5.13 - 1989)
Pat Minnick (6.97, 208 - 1969 - Edgewater)
Nicholson ((7.96 - 1966) over Top Fuel at a national
Don Prudhomme (266.27 - 1985 - Bristol)
Don Prudhomme (266.27 - 1985 - Bristol)
Gene Snow (213.76 - 1969 - Rockingham)
Richard Tharp (6.88, 210.77 - (1971 - 1st time
an FC set both low e.t., top speed)
Jim Thornton (8.91 - 1965)
Because Pro Stock was such a heavily legislated class,
these picks are extremely subjective and thin. NHRA and IHRA ran two
completely different sets of rules undercutting each other's accomplishments
in the historical process. Yes, I know Kuhlman's Pontiac was not a
Pro Stocker, but Top Sportsman just doesn't get it. One class, one
selection? Get outa here