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Okay, now that my democratic side has been appeased, I will give you who I, Chris (C. Bley Motorsports A-Go-Go) Martin, think are the best racers of my lifetime by general category. Remember, it's just me talking now, not Drag Racing Online ... and if you don't like it, keep in mind that I just received a black belt (from the counter girl at Winn-Dixie.)

  • TOP FUEL: Don Garlits
  • FUNNY CAR: John Force
  • PRO STOCK: Bob Glidden
  • MOTORCYCLES: Terry Vance
  • TOP GAS: Gordon Collett
  • GAS SUPERCHARGED: George Montgomery
  • FUEL ALTERED: Willie Borsch
  • UNBLOWN : Gene Adams
  • ALCOHOL DRAGSTER: Blaine Johnson
  • ALCOHOL FUNNY CAR : Pat Austin
  • COMPETITION: (tie) David Nickens and David Rampy
  • SUPER STOCK/STOCK: Dave Boertman
  • SUPER (COMP, GAS, STREET): Edmond & Scotty Richardson


  • Drag News
  • Drag Racing (later Drag Racing USA)
  • Drag Sport Illustrated
  • Drag Racing Today
  • Hot Rod
  • National Dragster
  • Quick Times
  • Super Stock

... yes, and goddamit, Drag Racing Online


On the serious side, folks, I'm a "glass is half empty"-type of guy and I fear for my favorite sport. I have very little confidence in the people that run the sport currently and I don't mean just NHRA. Something's amiss; there's slop at the top. That coupled with the fact that the pro racers could no more organize a luncheon let alone themselves in a coordinated, fighting organization, leads me to believe that we'll be down to eight-car nitro shows in less than a half decade unless things change. Eight-car shows? They went out with high button shoes.

The solution? We need a Don King, Vince McMahon, or Al Davis type at the top ... a no-nonsense, winner-take-all, slam forge ahead, risk-taking infighter, who is drag racing and board-room savvy. If you can sell Pokemon, you can sell drag racing; if Barbie can stay in business 50 years and more, so can drag racing; if you can sell wrestling, you can sell drag racing. We need to go on the offensive ASAP. We are the most powerful auto racing extravaganza in the known universe, yet the corporate face we show is that of a timid panhandler. A decidedly contradictory mix.

We need two major mega buck backers, one biggie for the pros (one that really rewards them for their efforts) and one, not quite as biggie, for the Sportsman. We also need to divide the two, so a TV package can be put together. There are no guaranteed happy endings in this world once the TV is shut off and the movie screen goes dim. Smarten up, cats and chicks. It's later than you think.

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