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The real Bakersfield March Meet died in 1988, but lives on in the hearts of reprobates everywhere. Nowadays, March is the month where everyone scampers off to the boring burg of Gainesville and watches what will now be not completely all-out nitro drag racing action. Whatever.

Here are


1.) Current nostalgia Top Fuel racer Jim Murphy shared the 1972 Bakersfield Funny Car winner's circle with his one-time (or maybe two-time) hired driver ...

A.) Tom Hoover
B.) Ed McCulloch
C.) Denny Savage
D.) Jake Johnston
2.) Current Funny Car owner Jim Dunn won the Bakersfield Top Fuel title in 1969. The guy he beat in the final was ...
A.) Dave Babler
B.) Rick Ramsey
C.) Jerry Ruth
D.) Gary Cochran
3.) In 1985, the absolutely unthinkable happened at the Bakersfield March Meet. Gary Beck won the show when he pushed Larry Minor's dragster past Shannon Stuart in Ernie Harmon's entry. However, that's not the big deal. The sacrilege was what Rick Johnson did in earning Top Speed at 254.23 mph. Uh, clues? This is not multiple choice.
4.) Okay, one nod to the Gators. Kenny Bernstein's "Budweiser King" Ford Tempo ran Funny Car's first 260-mph run in winning the 1984 finale. Who was he racing at the time?
A.) Don Prudhomme
B.) Mark Oswald

C.) Tom Hoover
D.) John Collins

5.) Aw, what the hell. One more Gators-styled question. Jim Bucher's Chevy-powered Top Fueler set the NHRA national record for the class at a 6.07 in one of the sport's really heroic efforts at the 1973 Gatornationals. He broke in the final against Herm Petersen, a guy he had every chance in the world of beating. Oddly enough, Bucher did not run the first Chevy "5." Instead, it was ...
A.) Dave Uyehara
B.) Stan Shiroma

C.) Rance McDaniel
D.) Larry Dixon Sr.

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