Well, quiz fans. The year 2006, and the racing season with it, is rapidly drawing to a close. What will we do all winter? That's easy-we'll wait for next year! But while it's still 2006, let's delve back through the recent past (at least what can be found in Drag Racing Online and Max Chevy). Take a moment, take the quiz, and take your mind off the approaching dullness of winter-you know, the off-season! Enjoy.
Congratulations to our October quiz winners, Mark Williams , Greg Boschert, and Anders Thomasson ! And now, here are the October quiz answers.
#1 Mantorp Park in Sweden hosted the third round of the 2006 FIA/UEM tour. Who had Top Speed in Top Fuel? B THOMAS NATAAS
#2 Bikes are big in Europe, especially so at the Shakespeare Nationals, staged at
Shakespeare County Raceway, Stratford at Avon Park. Try getting all that on one handbill. At the Big Bard bash, who won Top Fuel Bike? A STEFAN IWANOWITSCH
#3 Santa pod Raceway in England holds a big race on Easter weekend. Try that in the States, and see what happens. At the 2006 Easter Thunderball, who took home the Top Fuel trophy? D MICKE KAGERAD
#4 Pro Mod has become a big deal World-Wide. One a novelty act outside the US and Australia, There are plenty of European based Pro Stock teams now. At the recently concluded FIA/UEM finals at Santo Pod, who won Pro Mod Eliminator? C DANNY COCKERILL
#5 Australia's East Coast Nationals has become a down under Mecca for Pro Mod
performances. At the 2006 edition, ho won Pro Mod? B JOHN ZAPPIA