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April 13-15
ADRA West Coast Reunion
Fallon, NV
May 18-20
ADRA Ole South Reunion
Jackson, MS
June 1-3
ADRA Dixie Hot Rod Reunion
Darlington, SC
June 16-17
ADRA East Coast Hot Rod Reunion
Maple Grove, PA
June 29-July 1
ADRA Mid America Reunion
Great Bend, KS
July 13-15
ADRA Heartland Reunion
Noble, OK
Aug 3-5
ADRA Southern California Reunion
Banning, CA
Sept 1-3
ADRA Texas Shootout
San Antonio, TX
Sept 28-30
ADRA All American Reunion
Banning, CA




There must be a reason why the sun has cast a golden glow over the area. Force has turned this little corner of Yorba Linda into part of his empire and much of the economic development in the neighborhood can be traced to him.

It wasn't that long ago when nearly 20,000 race fans clogged all the roads and covered every available space to attend the first open house. Yorba Linda city officials had known about Force before the event, but it was the well-behaved crowd that hammered home the point that this hometown boy was the real deal, a force to be seriously dealt with.

On any map, the distance from Bell Gardens to Yorba Linda is scant. In reality, they are worlds apart. Force is not going back to those days in a trailer, but those days have a way of returning and keeping the man humble.

Like most of us with such roots, the wonderment of it all is a daily jolt. Force has that look as he stands on the edge of the ledge, secure in his achievements.

It's a short drive back to the shop, with the opening of the electric gate creating the longest pause. Force quickly exits from his car and asks if there are many more questions.

Of course there are. But after spending nearly six hours with the man, what can you ask. You want to know more, but feel is perhaps you already know too much. It's been a day like no other.

"Don't forget the gifts," Force says as he shakes hands. "If you need anything, call me."

Force wheels, opens the door to his building and it's as though he's been outside for a just a breath.

"We ready to go?" he asks, hearing the tax man is already in his office. "Let's do it."

With that, the door swings shut and Force is working once again.

As the photographer and reporter prepare to depart, oldest daughter Adria has a smile and a word from another office.

Thanks," she said. "We needed the time. But he needed the time. He doesn't get too many of these days."

The last sound the pair hear when leaving the building? John Force, in his own style, driving home a point. Winning his way.

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