Brandon's wild ride

Photos by Todd Dziadosz


Brandon Bernstein evidently is going to recover nicely after taking a very wild ride during the first round of eliminations at E-Town last weekend. Brandon's crash and subsequent injury could have been much worse but thanks to the NHRA Safety Safari, medical crew and the NHRA safety specs for building Top Fuel cars Brandon came out of a very serious crash in -pretty decent shape. According to reports he may be out as long as three months that means his Dad Kenny will be back behind the wheel of the family's fuel car beginning this weekend at Topeka, KS.

In a recent interview of Bernstein where he stated that he has looking for funding for a second car, maybe when Brandon returns when he has healed the Budweiser team will be a two car team

Credit for this outstanding sequence of the incident goes to to Drag Racing Online Magazine photographer Todd Dziadosz who was in the stands at the top end of the track.


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