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In this view you can see the built- in crankshaft scraper and removable windage tray as well as the thickness of the billet pan rail.

They supplied us with the custom pickup and pan in a couple weeks -- that alone was refreshing to me! The pan is constructed out of .080 aluminum and features a CNC-machined rail with steel inserts. This design all but eliminates oil leaks along the pan rail. The built-in crank scraper removes excess oil from the crankshaft to lessen windage and add some power. The windage tray is removable and the trap door keeps the oil around the oil pump pickup. For Mopar guys the built-in windage tray eliminates the usual Mopar windage tray sandwiched between two oil pan gaskets and the inherent leaks this caused. The only modification I will make to the pan is to have a fitting heli-arced into the pan for my oil temp gauge, something I found very helpful when running an alcohol fueled engine in bracket and super class competition.

The internal baffling and oil control trap door are used to keep the oil around the pickup during acceleration and hard deceleration.

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