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The next thing up was getting oil to the new Jesel Rocker Arms. After talking to John at Jesel, we decided to let Indy Cylinder Head modify my existing valve covers to accept a rocker arm “spray bar oiling system”. This type of system is on every NASCAR engine and provides better spring oiling and extends the life of the springs by reducing friction and the resulting heat in the spring. The pushrod tips now get their oil from the spray bar through a small hole in the adjuster, and the bearings and roller tip get oil from the spray bar and all the oil that is flying around under the valve cover.

This is where the spray bar oil line from the block attaches to the valve cover. We are using #3AN hoses and fittings and they are supplying plenty of oil. For pressure we installed a "T" where we hooked up the oil pressure gauge in the rear oil galley on the block.

I have to admit I wasn’t sure this whole deal would work, especially the small little hole in the adjuster that goes down to the tip of the pushrod. Jesel and Indy told me not to worry about it, as long as I put some moly lube on them for initial startup. They were right, it has been perfect and I am a lot more confident in the durability of my valvetrain now than I have ever been before.

This view from the underside of the valve covers shows the small "spray bars" that Indy Cyl. Head installed in my valve covers. The small holes are located directly over each rocker arm adjuster / valve spring assembly.


Jesel Valvetrain Innovation
1985 Cedar Bridge Ave.
Lakewood, NJ
Phone: 732-901-1800

If you are looking for an upgrade for that high horsepower (and expensive) engine that will offer reliability and consistent performance I would recommend Jesel Rocker Arms Systems as a premium choice. If you see a racecar with the Jesel decal on it, ask that racer if he would recommend Jesel Rocker Arms. Look around and you will see most professional engine builders already rely on Jesel Rocker Arms for their customers.

Next time I will dive into how the MSD 75301 Digital Ignition has performed. This is the unit with Data Acquisition and Traction Control Detection. It has been an eye-opening deal for me and I think you will agree when you see what this little ignition control box offers racers.

Until the next installment, I hope you have a safe July and enjoy some great racing.

Project 4-Link  [5/5/05]
Our fifth season and going strong

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