We left off last installment by looking at
the fuel system. Now that the engine is installed,
I can show you how slick the Barry Grant mechanical
by-pass and Race Demon fit the new Dart intake.
Easy to plumb and even easier to adjust. The
fuel system holds 4 lbs off fuel pressure at
idle and 9.5 going through the beams.
The Race Demon has been flawless from the start
except for an error I made. In our rushing around
I did not get the new hoses we made flushed
out before I hooked them up. The needle and
seat stuck a couple times before I got the trash
out of the lines between the filter and the
carb. The Race Demon came with #180 main jets
and they are too rich for the Isky hydraulic
cam the Burkster used in the 388-inch small
block. We'll go to #163 square before the next
race and see if that cleans it up a little.
As you well know, if you can't get all the
spark to the plugs you can't burn the fuel,
so we went with MSD Super Conductor plug wires.
We chose the universal set with 90-degree plug
ends already attached. We also got a tool from
MSD that is the COOLEST thing I have used yet,
the MSD Crimping Tool part #3505. I have used
every other possible means to try to get a really
nice crimp on race plug wires but NOTHING comes
close to the great job this tool does. Plus,
you can order other adapters for it to use on
regular wires, special connectors, etc. No more
folding the conductor under and using needle
nose pliers and hoping they don't come loose.
Spend the $50 or $60 and get a tool that does
it right and will last forever. That way you
can loan it out to your friends and try to remember
who borrowed it last!
MSD tool #3505 and the
Super Conductor plug wires. This tool is
the best way to properly install ends on
your plug wires. Don't forget to put the
boot on first and lube it with some liquid
soap so it slides easily over the plug wire. |
I used the MSD tool that
comes with the plug wires to strip the wire
back to expose about a quarter-inch of conductor.
Be careful not to cut too deep into the
spiral wiring that surrounds the core. The
tool helps prevent that. |
We also decided to go the budget route with
the fuel and transmission lines and yet still
maintain safety by using quality products. I
used a local industrial supply house owned by
a guy who used to bracket race and now helps
out on a Top Alcohol Funny Car. Scot's Supply
in Waterloo, IA has two guys at the counter
who drag race every week and a couple other
guys involved with stock car racing.
We got Aeroquip Push-Lock hose and steel fittings
from them for the fuel system. Those fittings
and hoses cost about a fourth of what stainless
braided hose and anodized aluminum fitting would
have cost us. The hoses have a 250 psi pressure
rating and the fittings simply "push on." Spraying
with carb cleaner really helps, by the way.
The fittings we're using are all compatible
with the more expensive Earls or Aeroquip aluminum
AN fittings. The fittings we are using are plated
steel and will last the life of this car and
several others. We use it from tank to carburetor
and have never had a problem with either IHRA
or NHRA tech. (They have to know it is about
1000% better than flimsy, crack prone aluminum
fuel lines).
The Barry Grant mechanical
by-pass, the alcohol 750 cfm Race Demon
and the Aeroquip Push-Lock hoses on top
of the Dart intake manifold. Simple and
it works great. We are also currently using
the alcohol compatible block mounted fuel
pump from BG. |
Moroso's billet water
pump runs almost silent and has no problem
keeping the little "Burkster 383" at 165
degrees all day long. |
