Darren Mayer answers your questions about supercharging



I have a 427 big block with an 871 blower that is producing 10 lbs. of boost. When I step on the gas heavily, it is building too much crank case pressure. It is blowing the dipstick out and blowing oil everywhere, which caught on fire last time. I installed e-vac's to help this problem, but it was unsuccessful. What do you suggest I do?

Please reply,

Dale Taylor



Without knowing the state of your engine, I would have to say the engine sounds as if it is in need of the ole re-ring job. Be sure the bores are true and round and install a good quality piston ring like a C&A duramolly. This should take care of your troubles.

Due to the increased cylinder pressure of a supercharged engine it is important the piston rings are in good working order. A leaky ring will cause undue crankcase pressure, which can cause the troubles you are experiencing. The excessive crankcase pressure will soon take its toll on the engine seals and your toy will start leaving a spot on the garage floor, tipping you off to a needed overhaul.


Darren Mayer




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