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Check Out That Chassis

By Jim Salemi

I have a 1968 Charger, 3450 lb. with driver runs 10.70/124 mph, about 52/48 weight bias, 440 producing about 630 hp, 4.88 gear, 727 no brake, Lupo conv. stall about 4600. I leave the line with a two step about 1800-2400, 29.5x10.5x15 Mickey's, super stock springs unclamped in rear, pinion snubber about 1 inch, CE way shocks 90/10 front 50/50 rear all these setting do change with track conditions. Also put in adjustable limiters in the front, which is set at about 4-5 inches before the limit. Now the problem first run of the day is always the best 60' about 1.48-1.51 depending on the track I race at, but as the day goes on traction is a very big issue. It will slow up .02-.07 and never the same no matter what I do I have been fighting over a year. I cannot afford to back half the car and put in a ladder or link; I was thinking of a Mono leaf with a Caltrac and repositioning the rear shock and straight up rather than the stock position, which they are in now and putting a more adjustable shock in. What do you think?

Michael Haben

Mike, Thanks for the reading the column and submitting a question. Hopefully we can help you out and make the car a little more consistent. If there is anyway to make the car a 50 percent weight car that would help your inconsistency problems. Pile as much weight in the rear of the car as possible. Keep the two step around 1800 that way the car will stay
more consistent because you are not hitting it so hard to make it spin the tires, especially when the track is hot. So, when the track is hot let the front limiters out to give the car more weight transfer. As always keep a run count on your tires to make that they are not the brunt of your problems. All your ideas instead of balkhalfing the car are great ideas and should work better than the stuff that you are currently running.


Jim Salemi, G-Force Race Cars Inc.

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Check Out That Chassis — 9/14/04


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