There are many possible answers to your question and they will somewhat depend on your budget. Basically, some of the best cast iron heads are available from Racing Head Service (RHS), DART, and World Products. I'll leave the specific selection to you but in general I would look at a head with a 200cc Intake runner volume but no larger than 215cc. The only reason to go that big is because you specified you want the most horsepower available. The torque will suffer a little with heads this size.
If you go bigger you will have to spin the engine 9000 rpm to make use of the flow. Your cam is relatively mild for max HP production so keep the head cc's on the conservative side. Pistons are another item that is really only limited by your budget. I would buy the lightest piston with the narrowest rings that you can afford. The light weight and low drag from thin rings is always a winner. The compression ratio will depend on your choice of combustion chamber volume of your chosen heads, among other factors. Generally, a flat top piston with a 64 cc head and a 383 will generate 11:1.
Hope this helps.
Jay Roeder
You can also email Jay Roeder at roeder@dragracingonline.com