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Coming October
12-14, 2001

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Coming October
12-14, 2001

To get on the mailing list for the complete race bulletin call the office at 47-568-2717
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Ed. Note:  Wady Hamam or Pro Mod Wad as he is known in the business is NOS's main nitrous Guru. He has been involved in nitrous oxide injection almost from its inception especially with the Pro Mod division.. He is originally from the Buffalo, New York area and has been involved in all types of racing from flat track motorcycles to fuel dragsters. In his wasted youth he even raced a fuel funny car powered by a blown and injected small block Ford! He and his brother campaigned a front motored Top Fuel dragster and lost a race against Don Garlits at the now closed Niagara Falls Dragway. His advice about nitrous problems is highly sought after but he is hard to get to. He has agreed to answer one question every couple of weeks for Drag Racing Online readers. Email your questions to:, and he will answer the question he finds most intriguing.

Pro Mod Wad,

I am building a small block Chevy engine with 18* heads it displaces 414 cubic inches. the motor runs on alcohol through a 1050 dominator carburetor. I will be injecting gas and nitrous through the nitrous system. Will the recommended jetting and fuel pressure for the nitrous system be adequate? What kind of maximum exhaust gas temperature reading should I get from the engine since we are going to be running alcohol,racing gasoline and nitrous? I will be running a fogger system and also a plate system which system should be my first stage? I will be spraying 300 HP through the plate and 300HP through the fogger system. the motor has 11.5 to 1 compression ratio. How much Initial timing do I need and how much timing do I need to take out of the motor? The nitrous systems that I am utilizing is a gasoline-nitrous system.

Thank you
Gary Wingate

Hi Gary,

A combination of Alky motor and race gas and nitrous works very well.As far as the recommended jetting and fuel pressures, yes the fuel pressure will be the same but you will find that due to the fact that the Alcohol runs so much more richly and cooler than the race gas that you will be able to either back down a bit on the fuel jetting or step up on the nitrous jets on your systems.This will take a little tuning time to figure out which is easier for you.You will probably see exhaust temps. around 1500 degrees but DO NOT use this for tuning ranges as when the temps get out of range the damage is already DONE! Instead use engine performance and plug readings for your guide. You will know when he engine is happy. I suggest the Fogger as 1st stage and plate as 2cnd and use a timer to bring on 2cnd as this will give you consistancy in your performance.I would also recomend that you start your program with smaller HP levels so you can get some good info what makes the engine and the rest of your combination happy as far as no detonation or tire shake etc. Timing settings for an Alky small block are usually up at the 40 degree plus range and as you did not specify what ignition you will be using I will suggest a muti step retard type so you can retard timing at least 6 to 8 degrees on 1st stage and another 2 to 4 degees on 2cnd. Remember that these numbers will be more or less depending on HP jetting levels. Gary, Alcohol engines running with race gas and nitrous are generally very forgiving as far as detonation goes and with your 11:5 to 1 ratio you have many safe tuning possibilties, so do some careful testing and I am confident you will have a winner.

Thanks for the mail.

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