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The drive gear takes more stress than the driven. "Victor" style gears have dual bolt pattern. GM gears are one way only.

Gear position effects lobe timing, or the difference between lobe lead, and lag. The relationship of lead to lag on the lobes is the secret to making efficient boost.

With lobe timing is set, and the blower is disassembled.

The right grease for the job goes into the bearings. Most supercharger failures are due to bearings drying up and exploding.

Seals are installed with an arbor press to keep the grease in the bearings where it belongs.

The rotor shafts are knurled to help prevent walking.

The larger dowel pins are pressed into the bearing plates.

The rotors are finished off with a graphite coating for protection at startup and corrosion prevention.

The supercharger being assembled for the last time.

Javier says this one is ready to rock.


Blower Drive Service (BDS)
12140 E. Washington Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90606 USA

Tel (562) 693-4302
Fax (562) 696-7091

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