

s reported by Agent 1320 a couple of days ago, I'm a little tardy with this edition of Tocher Talks because I recently became the proud first- time papa of a bouncing baby boy, Robert Gordon Tocher. He came a little early and weighed in at four pounds, 13 ounces, but is doing well, along with my wife, Sue, with whom I was so impressed throughout her pregnancy. Robert is named after my own father, Gordon, (I wish more than anything that he could be here to see all this happen), and if he grows up to be anything like his namesake, I'll be an eternally happy man.

And at the risk of suffering accusations of being the world's worst suck-up, I want to publicly send special thanks to DRO's guiding forces, Jeff and Kay Burk, for their unconditional support and patience. Maybe it's the emotions of fatherhood getting to me, but after the events of a hectic week I feel more in tune with the kindness of everyone who surrounds us at this happy time. I've been amazed with the volume and sincerity of well wishes we've received, and the generosity of our families and close friends.

I'd never been much of a baby guy; in all honesty, you probably could've counted on the fingers of one hand how many infants I'd held before Robert arrived. It's not that I didn't like children; I just wasn't interested. And I always thought it was just a clichÈ when someone said, "Oh, but it's different when they're your own." I'm reminded now that clichÈs exist for a reason; they're always based on truth. I wasn't ready for the wave of wonder that washed over me the first time I held Robert. The thought of him transitioning from a liquid to our air-based environment just a few hours earlier quite simply blew me away. I think I now also better understand what people mean when they talk about the miracle of life. I've got to admit it really is different when he's your own.

So, what's all this got to do with drag racing? Not much, really. And that's the point, I guess. I had planned to be at the IHRA season ender at Rockingham. In fact, I'd been looking forward to the event for a couple of months, knowing it was essentially going to be two events in one, The Rock always produces fast fields, drama often develops, and champions would be crowned. Plus it probably would have been my last major racing fix for the year, and that's always an important consideration.

That all changed when Robert was born just a few days before IHRA's finest rolled into Rockingham. I almost hate to admit it to myself, but I honestly can say I didn't miss the race one bit. I was thrilled to be here, witnessing my son's first week of life and making sure my wife was well taken care of. I felt like a family man, and as much to my surprise as I'm sure it is to many who know me, I actually liked it. Last week really helped put my priorities in order.

Don't get me wrong, though. I still love the straight-line action. (Gotta confess, I sneaked a peek online at the results from Rockingham when sent home for a forgotten bottle of mother's milk last Sunday night.) I also plan to continue covering drag racing to the best of my ability. In fact, I want to do an even better job at it in the months and years to come. Robert's birth has prompted me to see things in a new light; I feel like he's reminding me of what can be. Maybe it's just another clichÈ, but you already know what I think about them now.

Race safe,


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Tocher Talks — 9/8/03
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