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I’m concerned, because rising fuel costs were already a hot topic in the pits this year. Racers are always complaining about money, or more specifically, the lack of it, but I don’t think I attended an event this summer where I didn’t hear at least a couple of comments about killer gas prices. What will happen now? Will there be a few empty spots where a dually or toterhome should’ve been parked? Maybe not this weekend, maybe not next, but if gas and diesel prices continue to climb I say yes, we will see racer turnout begin to dwindle, too. Or at least they will stay closer to home, foregoing that national or special event in favor of a day at their local track.

The frustrating thing about all this is the complete lack of influence or ability on the part of most people to do a single, damn thing about it. As I said, nearly all our lives are fossil fueled to a certain degree, and that’s even before racing enters the equation, so we pretty much have to pay the price, whatever that may be. And even that may not be enough, as there are already reports of some gas stations rationing their supplies, allowing customers to pump only 10 gallons each. That’s not going to take anyone far in even the most fuel-efficient rig.

And the pinch is being felt not only on the ground. All year commercial airfares and charter costs have been rising in concert with avgas and jet fuel price increases. The bigger race teams that fly in crews, owners, and drivers have already seen their expenses go up dramatically and the hurricane’s effect will undoubtedly touch them, too. This is a no-win situation all around.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, and there really is no advice or solution to offer. We’re at the mercy of major market forces and, unfortunately, profiteering gas station owners in many cases. How else to explain a price discrepancy here in Atlanta of $2.79 to $4.99 today according to a local news report? All we can do right now is hope for the best and wait for prices to stabilize so we can at least predict what it’ll actually cost to go racing.

Race safe,





PS. I really do feel guilty for ranting about how this terrible natural disaster is throwing a wrench into what certainly is a non-essential activity. In comparison to what’s happening to the poor people of the Gulf Coast, I’m thankful for even being able to complain about it. If you do have a few bucks left over after filling up the tank, you might consider sending them toward the relief effort at


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