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I have been feeling a little burned-out what with working on two cars; needing to get my kids, Thing 1 and Thing 2, to swimming lessons; working my real job (welding at Hansen Chassis) and doing it justice; working my old lady and doing her justice etc., etc.

And speaking of Hansen Chassis, I asked my boss, Bobby Hansen, last month if I could do a little write-up on his cacklefest car. “What do you want me to write?” I asked. “Oh, just write up anything. I don’t care.” he said. So, I wrote what I knew about the car and the next day found a sheaf of papers with “corrections” for all the mistakes I made.

This month I’ve got too much on my plate to even begin wiping up last month’s mess, so check out my next column for the “Behind the Music” (“Behind the Welding”???) on Bobby’s Cackfestmobile.

So, as I was saying, I was feeling burnt out by all that is going on until I was listening to the radio and happened to hear the radio spot for Pomona! I got excited all over again, even if all I do is show Ron Capps where the chute levers are.

Bravo to the Goodguys for getting “Supermouth” Larry Huffman to do the radio spot! My all-time favorite spot is the one classic by Larry Huffman about the OCIR PDA meet: the one where he shouts the classic line “Doorslammers stay home!” That radio ad has been immortalized on the Steve Evans “Be There” CD (or cassettes, if you bought them back in the day), for those of you with the dreaded disease CRS… you know “Can’t Remember…uh… Stuff”

Speaking of not remembering, I just remembered that I have to get out of here and work on a couple of race cars. So if you happened to see a guy at Pomona who looked like a zombie due to lack of sleep, I hope you came up to me and said “Hi!”


Getting Nostalgic [7/8/05]
Summer Means Fun!


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