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Well it’s red alright and it’s bitchin’. The body is a 1956 Ford Crown Victoria. What is interesting is that it already states on the rear window that it’s the world’s quickest and fastest (actually it says fastest and quickest but I’m dyslexic) nostalgia Funny Car. 5.70 @ 270. Really? Anyway, it looks like a great piece and Jack will have a ball with it… but, it screams “match race Funny Car” not “nostalgia Funny Car.” At least not a VRA legal nostalgia Funny. Hey, there’s more to life than the VRA, I guess.

Got a nice letter to the editor from John Dearmore saying that he’s had it with me writing about me and all that is me. Actually, I agree with John. With all that has been on my plate I have let my nostalgia editor duties go to hell. I don’t know, maybe racers shouldn’t attempt to be journalists or vice versa. I’ll try to do a better job in the future but something will screw it up, I just know it.

As far as me doing more research for my column, it’s hard to do research from inside a welding hood, or a Funny Car, which is where I spend most of my time. I’m lazy, if you want to read about what interests you, then you need to let me know via email or carrier pigeon or mental telepathy.

In fact, I don’t believe I have seen a press release from John’s organization in about a year. John is the president of the Outlaw Nitro Alliance. They put on some great races east of the Rockies and they allow the devil’s own 426 in front motor Top Fuel. These guys rock. They need to let the world know that they rock.

So in closing, I know I’m lame. Help me be not so lame. Send me your team or organization’s info and I’ll write about it. I’m a lousy researcher and I know it. or even this;

Come on, what are you afraid of, a little press?

Getting Nostalgic [8/8/05]
Who Said Summer Means Fun?


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