Building on their popular "Night of Fire" Saturday night entertainment at National events, this year IHRA will have ten one-day events called "Night Under Fire" at various tracks. The line-up will vary at each show, but will include some of the country's top exhibition vehicles such as Bob Motz's jet Kenworth (photo), jet dragsters and funny cars, a wheel-standing school bus and a wheel-standing fire truck.

The schedule of events is March 20, Edinburg, TX; April 17, Abilene, TX; June 19, Point Pleasant, WV; June 26, New Alexandria, PA; June 26, San Antonio, TX; July 10, Tulsa, OK; August 7, Salem, OH; August 21, Shreveport, LA; Sept. 18, Jackson, SC; and Oct. 9 (tentative), Hattiesburg, MS.

"Think of 'Night Under Fire' as a very, very fast Metallica concert," said IHRA VP of Marketing, Aaron Polburn.

Sounds to the Agent as though owner Clear Channel Entertainment is having some influence on IHRA, and that they are trying to bring a new audience to drag racing. A good idea. [2-4-2004]



The Agent recently received word that Performance Motorsport, led by Nissan executive Gary Rubio of Smithtown, NY, will compete this year in the growing Sport Compact drag racing scene with a twin-turbo Nissan 350Z. Rubio's 19-year-old son Andrew will drive the 1,700-horsepower Z-car in NDRA's, NHRA's, and IDRC's Pro Rear-wheel Drive classes.

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