The level of anger and dissatisfaction between
professional racers and the management at both
IHRA and NHRA apparently is reaching new heights.
Usually reliable sources
told Agent 1320 that Don Schumacher and Joe
Amato have scheduled a meeting with NHRA prez
Tom Compton and his management team to discuss
their grievances which reportedly include the
nitro program and rule changes. The Agent bets
the recent tire rule fiasco will also come up.
The Agent's source said that at present no work
stoppage is planned, but added that if Schumacher
and Amato don't get some satisfaction with the
talks, "all options are being considered." On
the IHRA circuit, some of the supercharged Pro
Mod teams have formed a committee to plead their
case to IHRA's Bill Bader and Skooter Peaco.
Whether either racer group will accomplish what
they want is certainly suspect but the Agent
recommends that the NHRA racers read the new
NHRA rules posted above before attending their
meeting. [5-20-2004]
Agent 1320 hears that there soon could be another
Barklage competing in Pro Modified racing. Sources
say that Zach Barklage's younger brother, Cody,
who currently has an 8-second nitro/nitrous
burning Jr. Dragster and has been making laps
in the family's Pro Street GTO, is having a
2005 GTO built for him at Jerry Bickel's race
car shop in Moscow Mills, MO. We'll bring you
photos as soon as the Agent gets them. [5-20-2004]
Reader John Fore sent this photo along with
a message: "Watch out, Greg Anderson, I'm coming
for you! I'll be in Chicago waiting to end your
win streak! From Warren Johnson's #1 fan."
The Agent liked the photo so much that it is
going to be our June "At the Back Door" caption
contest photo. Be forewarned to get yer thinkin'
caps on -- but no fair stealing Fore's caption.