West Coast Pro Mod racer Rick Lefever sent the Agent a couple of photos and a little info on his unique turbocharged, EFI, Mercedes-Benz Pro Modified. The one-of-a-kind Mercedes body is made of a hybrid carbon/kevlar material with a Nomex honeycomb, and the total body weight including the rear wing is just 28 lbs! The chassis is a four-link 4130 chromemoly tube type, with every removable part made out of titanium, including the rear end housing, battery trays, pedals, driveshaft loop and tunnel, steering shaft, door hinges, fire bottle hold downs, control arms, all the trim and even the firewall and dash area, including all the bolts! Power comes from a quad-turboed, 526 cubic wedge burning alky. Estimated HP is 3000.

The Agent thinks that estimate may be low. The 500 SL has yet to make a pass because in the words of Lefever, "I spent my entire life savings building this thing so as of right now the ol' bank account is in full cardiac arrest, totally flat line."

The Agent wants to be there when this beast makes a lap. Call us, Rick! [6-23-2004]


After about six years of R&D and untold amounts of money developing the new Harley V-Twin engine and winning two races in a row in NHRA competition the Harley Davidson racers and their fans got a taste of NHRA's penchant for "parity" and a "level playing field."

The NHRA has increased the minimum weight requirement for bikes with the 160 cid Harley-Davidson push rod V-twin engine up to 615 pounds from 575 pounds. The rule amendment becomes effective immediately, starting with the Sears Craftsman NHRA Nationals, June 25-27, at Gateway International Raceway in Madison, Ill.

"This adjustment in minimum weight was implemented based on data gathered from the 2004 events that Pro Stock Bike has competed and to keep a competitive balance within Pro Stock Bike," said Cary Menard, NHRA's VP of business and legal affairs.

The only questions the Agent has are, Hasn't Suzuki won almost every NHRA World Championship since the class was originated and weren't Harley-Davidson four-cycle bikes at a distinct disadvantage all during that time? [6-23-2004]


Saturday night, June 19, under the lights at Wisconsin International Raceway, the Outlaw Nitro Alliance held their nostalgia top fuel meet with "Root Beer" Frank Hedge's MasterCam/Plaza Hotel and Casino-sponsored fueler taking top honors, running 6.43 on a slippery track. Hedge defeated the Joe Hendricks Motorsports AA/FD running a losing 6.59. [6-23-2004]

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