Saturday May 21 at Bandimere Speedway's Checker Auto Parts Night of Fire & Thunder, Ron Fassl (Scottsdale AZ), completed the quickest (5.317 seconds) and fastest (286.07 mph) run for a nitro-burning Fuel Altered in history.  At the conclusion of the run, the vehicle never deployed the parachutes, and failed to slow for the end of the track.  Fassl went in to the sand and was stopped in the series of catch nets and sand traps.

Bandimere Speedway emergency staff was on the scene immediately to stabilize Fassl as West Metro and Flight for Life were dispatched.

Fassl is at St. Anthony's Hospital in Denver listed in critical but stable condition. He is on a ventilator, and is expected to be off of it later today. Other than closed head trauma, no other injuries were reported. Fassel has undergone a CT scan and is resting as the swelling on the brain subsides. Fassl is responsive to doctors and limited visitors. [5-23-2005]


Dave Oddy Photo

We're covering several regional Pro Mod races in the race coverage section of the magazine, but a trio of veteran racers had spectacular performaces worthy of 1320 notes.

Al Billes, driving Jim Oddy's brand new Jerry Bickel-built Dodge Stratus, had sixty-foot times of .986 and .981 on its first two laps. The Agent doesn't know if that is a record but it is surely impressive for a 2700-lb Pro Mod.

At the ADRL race at Valdosta, GA, Shannon Jenkins had eighth-mile laps of 4.03, 4.02 and 4.00, and qualified nitrous cars for both the Pro Nitrous and Pro Extreme fields. To the Agent's knowledge those may be the three quickest nitrous passes in history.

Finally, John Lynam's supercharged 'Vette had laps of 3.93 and 3.94. A tip of the Agent's driving helmet to all of these racers and tuners and a much deserved "Well Done!"  [5-23-2005]


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