Long-time IHRA racer supporter and fuel manufacturer Sunoco lost a bidding war with competitor Torco Race Fuels to be the official fuel supplier of the IHRA.
As a result Sunoco was prevented from even posting contingency for racers who made the finals at IHRA National events using Sunoco fuel. (And the Agent thought that contingency programs were for the benefit of the racers not the sanctioning body. Evidently not.) So, the folks at Sunoco have decided to do their own contingency program for the racers. They are going to pay the same contingency that Torco does for winner and runner-ups but with a bonus of an additional $50. The racer will have to send a photo to Sunoco of their car from the winners circle with Sunoco signage along with social security number and other data to collect.

There have been other manufacturers who have done their own contingency program outside the sanctioning body but this is the first time the Agent has heard of a major manufacturer doing so. A tip of the Agent's helmet to the guys at Sunoco for helping their customers. [6-6-2005]


John Evanchuk, above left with Rob Atchison, will join Atchison Racing as driver of the second Erickson Manufacturing Pontiac Funny Car at the IHRA Mopar Canadian Nationals on June 10-12.

Evanchuk, from Edmonton, Alberta, races his own 2003 Pontiac on both the NHRA and IHRA circuits. He and IHRA World Champ Rob Atchison became friends at last year's Rocky Mountain Nationals. Atchison Racing is trying to put together a sponsorship so Evanchuk can also compete at the ACDelco Canadian Nationals in Toronto at the end of July. (photo courtesy Atchison Racing) [6-6-2005]


The Agent got a note saying legendary racing photographer Jeff Tinsley has undergone treatment for a brain tumor. When not taking amazing photos of race cars, Tinsley is chief photographer at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery, friend. [6-6-2005]


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