The Knights of Columbus Council 11102 is joining with the TCI Heads-up Super Series to keep racing off of the street and help raise funds to support the KofC charities in the Charlotte, NC region. Mooresville (NC) Dragway will hold six Saturday events on May 21, June 11, July 23, Aug. 13, Sept. 3, and Oct. 8. Gates open at noon, qualifying is a 2 p.m. and eliminations begin at 6 p.m. [5-9-2005]


Who's got the baddest pump gas burning hot rod on the planet? Well, that is a question the agent is about to get answered as he heads out to the land of blues, booze and barbeque. That's right, we're headed to Memphis for a weekend stay at Graceland and a chance to watch the quickest and fastest pump gas doorlammers.

Hot Rod Magazine editor David Freiburger set up the deal and last year some of the most outrageous and fastest showed up at Memphis. They're doing it again Friday, May the 13th at Memphis Motorsports Park and DRO will be there. Nine-second, pump gas, street-legal cars? Yeahhhh! [5-9-2005]


The Hot Rod Magazine guys are at it again. This time editor Freiburger and the crew have organized a weeklong drag-fest.

In the words of the immortal Ted Jones, "here's the deal": Five tracks, five days, you must drive from track to track, the lowest average E.T. over five days wins. (Almost) no rules other than that.

It's called HOT ROD Magazine Drag Week, and it runs September 11-16 at the historic (and home track of the long gone American Hot Rod Association) Kansas City International Dragway located hard on the banks of the "Little Blue" river.

The trek ends four days later at another historic track, the newly refurbished track at Martin, Michigan.

You can find complete rules in the June and July issues of Hot Rod Magazine. It's $125 to register at 877-413-6515. Send questions to [5-9-2005]


The North Carolina Motorsports Association, whose members include various NASCAR track owners, team owners and at least one token drag racing promoter (Steve Earwood, owner of Rockingham Dragway) recently had a meeting hosted at the Rock by Earwood.

The affairs are usually catered, but Earwood had the group meet at the track and fed those assembled from the concession stand. He even brought in a two-seater dragster and gave the circle track guys a ride.

According to the reports, a good time was had by all, even those eating the burgers and track dogs from the Rock's fabled concession stands. Kudos to Earwood from DRO for spreading a little drag racing culture among the oval track movers and shakers of Charlotte and the rest of NC. [5-9-2005]


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