Jok Nicholson, DRO's Bracket Editor, says
he is on the mend and will definitely be on hand at the
Million Dollar Race Sept. 22-25 at Memphis Motorsports
"This is an event I have always wanted
to enter or even go watch," Nicholson said, "and
we are making it happen this year." Nicholson will
bring DRO's Project 4-link dragster (rear car, above)
to the famous bracket race put on by George Howard. The
winner is guaranteed $100,000 with $50,000 to the runner-up,
$10,000 to semi-finalists, and $5,000 to the quarter-finalists.
In addition, there will be a drawing of all entrants for
some extra prizes: a RaceTech four-link dragster complete
with 540 BBC turnkey (valued at $60,000); a 2005 Mustang
GT; and (if they have 300 entries) a 2005 Renegade motorhome
conversion on a new Sterling chassis (valued at over $100,000).
Entry for the Million Dollar Race is $2,000.
In addition, Howard will hold the Barker
Trailer Sales Twin Twenties, which is two separate $20,000-to-win
races with no buybacks. On Thursday, Sept. 22, is the
RaceTech Gambler's race, which pays $10,000 to the winner.
Noting that last year's winner earned $265,000,
Nicholson had this to say to his fellow racers, "If
you are familiar with these types of races, the last few
racers normally split the money up a little bit to keep
the payouts a little more equal. Now, if I can get to
that point, I would be happy to wheel and deal a little
bit on how we split up about $325,000!" You read
it here, guys. [9-8-2005]
The Agent heard a totally unconfirmed rumor from one of
his usually reliable operatives. According to the operative,
the new contract with Anheuser Busch that Brandon Bernstein
referred to on the ESPN broadcast from the U.S. Nationals
will include a second car for his dad to drive. If Budweiser
commits to the additional funding it would make a formidable
team. Wondering who might tune the second car? [9-8-2005]