The "Jungle Jim" Bob Gilbertson fuel flopper is officially on tour. It will be at E-town June 7, then at Mooresville Dragway June 21 for a match race against Josh Starcher's Top Fueler. Then on to Indy, Maple Grove and finally Pomona for the Winternationals.

The Agent doubts that Jim's personal assistant "Berserko" Bobby Doerrer's supply of "Genny" Cream Ale hold out that long. (Jeff Burk photo) [5-28-2003]


Heavy storms swept through the Memphis, Tenn. area late on the evening of May 16, severely damaging the Lehman Racing Shop and its contents in the nearby town of Atoka, where two-time IHRA Top Fuel Champion Clay Millican and his crew prepare the team's
dragster for races.

Millican and his crew were in Englishtown, NJ for the NHRA K&N Filters Supernationals at the time of the storm and returned to Atoka to find the race shop under 56 inches (4.6 feet) of water. Almost everything inside the race shop was destroyed, but, fortunately, the team's primary racing assets were spared. In addition to everything in the race shop, several crew members' cars were parked at the shop and were destroyed in the flood. [5-28-2003]


Eighteen-year-old Top Fuel driver Josh Starcher skipped his senior prom last month to race, and with the IHRA national event at Virginia Motorsports Park scheduled the June 6-8, he's also going to miss his senior class trip.

"A lot of the seniors are going to Myrtle Beach right after graduation," said Starcher, who drives for Charlotte-based Colhart Motorsports. "But I would much rather be racing. I can go to the beach anytime."

Starcher will attend graduation ceremonies May 31, at East Fairmont High School. This fall, he will attend the University of West Virginia to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering -- if his classes don't conflict with a race date.
(Jeff Burk photo)


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