KEARBY: It's 11 concerts with an option for 23. Local bands
might play. Slur will be headlining the (concert) event. Friday night
they'll go on around 10 p.m.. Saturday night they'll go on around 5
or 6. Sunday they'll go on around 4 or 5.
DRO: So let me make sure I understand this . . . You have completed
a deal with NHRA?
KEARBY: This is fresh. It's a done deal.
DRO: How long did it take to put this deal together?
KEARBY: A couple of months.
DRO: Was it an on-again, off-again thing?
KEARBY: Yes, it was.
DRO: Did you meet in Dallas during the O'Reilly Fall Nationals?
DRO: I understand you left Dallas thinking you had a gentlemen's
agreement but by Thursday --
KEARBY: It blew up.
DRO: What transpired between Dallas and that following Thursday?
KEARBY: It really came down to NHRA wanting to get sponsorship
for the Pro Mod class. [Referring to AMS Staff Leasing, he continues.]
Because we are the sponsors for the Pro Mod class, they would give us
access to do the concert series. So the negotiations for the Pro Mod
class had to get done first. We actually didn't finish that until sometime
late last night. There were some things that needed to be accomplished
at negotiations. Drivers wanted a 16-car field and they couldn't get
it right now. They have an eight-car field. That was a big contingency.
So we have an eight-car field and everybody's happy about it. This year.
Next year we're all anxiously awaiting a 16-car field. But we're patient
and when NHRA makes that available, we'll be all over it.
DRO: What was the deal with the emphasis on "exit strategy"?
KEARBY: The sponsorship can be delicate. You have to be with
a sponsor who is financially stable. They want to make sure the sponsorship
was going to be solid. DRO: So back to the concert series . .
KEARBY: The concert series is bringing in all sorts of sponsors
that NHRA never could attract. Nobody is signed up yet, but the sponsors
looking at the deal are really cool. That part of the event is going
to attract sponsors that are broader (in appeal) than NHRA was attracting.
DRO: So you're talking out-of-the-box marketing, non-traditional
KEARBY: It's going to bring a completely different crowd to
the races.
DRO: Is this your kind of demographic?
CALL AND KEARBY [in unison and without hesitation]: Absolutely!
DRO: What age group do you appeal to?
CALL: Young teenagers, even earlier than that, all the way up
to the 50s.
KEARBY: Our demographics are very broad.
DRO: Do you think young people will know Slur is going to perform
at the NHRA races and will come out in droves?