Still Wondering
ust Wondering...Would the
Top Fuel teams in NHRA pay an entry fee if NHRA would put
that money into the purse payout? That would be one way
to do it and IHRA has already proven that at least some
fuel racers will pay for the privilege of racing even if
they are NHRA regulars.
Just Wondering...How many fans would NASCAR have if those guys quit
crashing during the races?
Just Wondering...If you made all of the Pro Gas cars have late model
bodies and scoops like Pro Stockers and ran the classes with the
scoreboards turned off, how many fans would be able to tell the
difference between Pro Gas and Pro Stock?
Just Wondering...Why don't the engineers at ESPN turn up the volume a
little when the nitro cars are on screen? All of the cars have basically
the same level of sound. If they can turn up the volume for the
commercials, why not do it for the fuel cars. If you can't give us
smell-a-vision then, at least, pump up the volume so the casual viewer
gets some clue about nitro.
Just Wondering...Why is it that local newspapers (at least mine)
consistently run results in the Motorsports section of truck races in
Oregon, F-1 races in Saudi Arabia, and sports car races in Atlanta but
when NHRA has National events at tracks like Memphis, Indy or Chicago --
all of which are all about a four-hour drive away -- sometimes we get
just a couple of inches of type with the number one qualfiers but more
often that not there is zero, zip, nada, nothing as in No Thing in the
way of coverage. The question is why?
Just Wondering...Harleys, especially Top Fuel Harleys, are obviously
popular with all race fans. The American Choppers series on Discovery is
one of the highest rated shows they have. So why hasn't NHRA taken
advantage of that and asked Masters Entertainment's Ted Jones to do a
show on the four-race NHRA exhibition series similar to the AMS Pro Mod
Just Wondering...While I'm on the subject why doesn't NHRA and HD get
together with the Teutels of American Chopper fame, have them build a
Nitro Harley and take it to and NHRA event. NHRA would get tons of
exposure on a prime-time television show and possibly develop a lot of
new fans. Seems like a win-win deal to me.
Just Wondering...How many tickets would they sell to National events if
only Sportsman classes ran; how many if only Pro classes ran? Just
Just Wondering...With the 2004 NHRA schedule having a lot more back-to-
back-to-back races, will some of the better financed teams start
thinking about more than one crew per car ala NASCAR where they rotate
crews to keep the divorce and burnout problem to a minimum.
Just Wondering...Is it just a matter of time before Don Schumacher or a
group of PRO's wealthier racers make a run at buying NHRA? For many of
these racers their financial investment in the NHRA and their lack of
satisfaction with the current management team has to have them at least
considering it.
Just Wondering...Am I the only one who can't understand why there are so
many classes in Super Stock and Comp Eliminator? Does it appear that the
reason for so many classes is just so the "professional" sportsman racer
has a lot of classes he or she can move on when the index in one class
gets blasted, leaving the men and woman who can't afford to change with
an uncompetitive car and no chance to win.
Just Wondering... One more time, why no injected nitro fuel funny cars?
Just Wondering...Why does NHRA spend so much time and money on the long
winners circle ceremonies? Never have so few seen so many say so little.
I've never seen more than a couple of hundred spectators stay and watch
the presentations and I almost never see any TV coverage from those
winner's circle dog and pony shows. Maybe NHRA could convince ESPN to
run some winner's circle footage on the television coverage of the
Just Wondering...How come the guys in the ESPN booth are dressed like
they are going to Sardi's for dinner after the race and the pit
reporters are dressed like they're doing the dishes at Sardi's after the
Just Wondering...Am I the only one who is getting
more from and enjoying more the tightly-edited and informative
half hour "NHRA 2day" show hosted by Bill Stephens than
I am the hours and hours of coverage from the actual race