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2. When I see my favorite car hit the guardrail, my first reaction is to

A. Cry. All that gorgeous paint and fiberglass gone…gone!

B. Wonder if the driver is okay

C. Curse myself for wasting that roll of film on pics of the back-up girl

D. Think, “Ah, man! You can’t BUY publicity like that!”

3. When I’m at the track, nothing hits the spot quite like

A. A peanut butter sandwich packed at home and brought in a brown paper bag.

B. A Slimfast shake, black coffee and Dentyne gum

C. Any food acquired by lurking around someone’s pit at lunchtime

D. Filet mignon and champagne

4. Every racetrack needs

A. Free parking

B. A massage booth

C. High-speed internet access

D. Air-conditioned suites

5. I only pull out a pen at the track

A. When I also pull out a checkbook

B. If I’m asked to autograph cleavage

C. What do you mean? I never put a pen away!

D. When I have to write down my fake phone number

6. I frequently fantasize about

A. Rubber guardrails and indestructible motors

B. Kissing Linda Vaughn

C. Making actual money for my work

D. What’s to fantasize about when you already have everything?

7. I’m a sucker for a sweet-talkin’

A. Sponsor

B. Crew chief

C. Editor

D. Publicist

So, add up your answers. If you choose one letter overwhelmingly over another, you are clearly the indicated type. If you didn’t, go back and change your answers till they fit the type that you want to be. Well, that’s how I take all those ladies’ magazine quizzes anyway.

Mostly A’s – Your penny-wise and pound-foolish nature indicates that your true calling is to be a car owner.

Mostly B’s – Some may call you arrogant, vain and competitive, but we know that that’s just code for “drag race driver.”

Mostly C’s – Hone your writing and photography skills, you were destined to have a career in the glamorous and high-paying world of drag race journalism.

Mostly D’s – Hope you’re saving your pennies or planning on being adopted by Bill Gates because you will only find your life’s fulfillment as a sponsor.


Chicks 'n' Slicks [3/8/05]
The March Meet is MY Special Race

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