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I am a card-carrying feminist. If Rush Limbaugh wants to call me a Feminazi, I’ll don the jackboots and Charlie Chaplin mustache, damn it.
I am a proud lefty radical old-school women’s libber all the way. So, that being the case, I am completely overjoyed to hear that Idaho has cleaned up its act so much that they’ve gotten rid of all their white supremacists and have gotten so far down their discrimination list that they are taking away a ten dollar pass given to women. Thanks, Idaho! You’re doing a great job!

Of course, being unlucky enough to live in the hellhole of gender discrimination called Southern California, on April 19th I was celebrating “Equal Pay Day”. Why, you ask? Well because, depending on ethnicity, a woman (but apparently not my lucky sisters in Idaho) still only gets anywhere from 55 to 76 cents for every dollar a man makes. And, in case you haven’t gone shopping for a woman’s Quattro razor lately, we pay more for everything from hairstylists, cleaners to car dealers. Think about it, the “man version” is always cheaper. So why is okay to charge five dollars more for a woman’s haircut, but to give a woman a free ticket to the races is not okay?

And please, Mr. or Ms. Math Whiz, will you explain to me how taking away a privilege from a group who makes one-half to three-quarters of what another group makes is “helping” them?

I’m also wondering who the hell the whistle-blower was.

If, like me, you want to know how Idaho has completely eliminated all discrimination and is now chipping away at all the privileges its women enjoy, you might want to contact The Idaho Human Rights Commission and let them know your thoughts. The contact info is below.

As for me, I’m going to ask them how I can make that 24 more cents an hour so I can pay full-price for my tickets everywhere!


Linda L. Goodman
Senior Civil Rights Investigator
Idaho Commission on Human Rights
1109 Main St. Suite 400
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0040

Ph: (208)334-2873 or (888)249-7025

Fax: (208) 334-2664


Read the news about Firebird here:

Read up on the National Committee on Pay Equity here:


Chicks 'n' Slicks [4/8/05]
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