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On to other highlights from 2005.

Andrew Hines (at left in lead photo) dominated the stats with a No. 1 ranking, except reaction time where he finished 9th. But hey, who needs great reaction times when your average qualifying position is three places above the next driver and you have an average of .05 ET banked against the next quickest rider. Andrew had nine No. 1's, but only two event wins, while Ryan Schnitz (below right) won three. Of course, Hines was the first into the sixes.

(James Drew photo)

(Jeff Burk photo)

Angelle Sampey (above) was quicker than her opponents the most (20 times) and her teammate Antron Brown (below) holeshoted his opponents the most (three times).

(Bret Kepner photo)

You thought this year's 53 redlights were a lot, but you must have forgotten 2003 when there were 73! Twenty-six different drivers qualified for 15 different races this year. That's actually the lowest total of unique qualifying drivers since 1999, with the high being 31 last year.

This year also saw my favorite-nickname driver, Hector "The Hammer" Arana, qualify at St. Louis No. 15 and then red light in the first round.

That's all I've got for the bikes and their personable drivers. Stop by their pit area and get to know some great drivers, owners and crews!

Statistically Speaking [8-17-05]
Give the Suzukis A Weight Break


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