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By Bob Fisher

One more race, one more shot
One more trophy that’s all they got
Final’s at Pomona where it all take’s place
Funny car championship comes down to the last race
Tension building as day grows near
Cause the title goes to someone on Sunday right here
Cars will be prepared ready to run
Threes driver three teams trying to get the job done
Each race, each team trying to keep their chance alive
It’ll be dog eat dog at Pomona two thousand five!

Got a poem you'd like to submit? Email it to We'll read it and if we like it, we will publish it. Remember the title to the department is "No Rhyme, No Reason, No Pay," so don't expect any and we won't either. -- Jeff Burk



No Rhyme Nor Reason [8-25-05]
To Bee or Not to Bee


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